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  [aroid-l] TitanWatch 5/13/03 1:30 AM a wild Stinkathon
From: "Craig Allen" callen at fairchildgarden.org> on 2003.05.13 at 06:02:04(10247)
Heading home now. Just want to let anyone that stayed up all night watching the pollination know how much fun we had. There were about 15-20 people that stayed until about 10:30 PM, but there were an intrepid few (maybe 8-10) that stayed until 1:30 in the morning. That included a Miami Herald reporter who had a blast... well a wild Stinkathon. We popped the Champaign at 1 AM to celebrate my carrion beetle act. Mr. Stinky begin closing up almost immediately and odor lessened quickly. I hope that means pollination was successful. I write ya'll a more detailed update tomorrow, or I should say later today when and if I can get myself out of bed.

It has been fun.

Craig M. Allen

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