From: SongString at on 2003.05.12 at 19:26:54(10245)
<< I'll have to content myself with my A. konjac watch >>
Well, my A. konjac has finally wilted. It was it's first spring to flower.
I didn't even know what kind of plant I had, until a few weeks ago, when I
did some snooping around on the internet and found out what I had. I got my
first corm, tuber, or whatever we decided to call it, at a garage sale in
southern Ohio a few years ago. I plant it outside every spring and dig it up
in the fall, putting it in the basement. When I found it growing in the
basement this spring, I brought it upstairs and it must have grown about 2
feet in one day, or at least it seemed like it. In a week, it was about 6
feet tall. It had divided into two corms last summer,but was still attached.
I cut it apart this spring. So I actually had two flowering A. konjacs. I
kept waiting for it to stink. It stank a little bit one day, when it got in
the 70's, but it never stank again. I had to get really close though to
smell it. I kept expecting it to get really stinky, but, it stayed in the
60's and rainy most of the time, so it never stank. Probably a good thing,
because my husband was threatening to get rid of it, if it smelled. NO sense
of adventure.
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