From: Leslie Georgeson skinnychick2 at> on 2003.05.08 at 22:38:02(10222)
Thanks for the info. The seeds labeled "selloum" have already come up. I will check them per your instructions. The others I just planted, because I followed the instructions (which said cold stratification), so they are just now in the planter. Thanks again for your help. Leslie
Eduardo Goncalves wrote:Dear Leslie,
Well, there is a serious problem on it. Taxonomically, P. selloum and
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P. bipinnatifidum are the same thing. (Check it out in Aroideana 25)
However, there are at least two species being sold as P. selloum: P.
mello-barretoanum and P. lundii, and also a few different forms of P.
bipinnatifidum itself. All seeds look the same and I have germinated real
P. bipinnatifidum many times with no stratification. I don?t believe that
people there in colder areas have developed forms that requires
stratification, but who knows? Well, you can have two forms of P.
bipinnatifidum, or one of them can be P. mello-barretoanum or P. lundii...
Or maybe none of them are the real P. bipinnatifidum... My advice is: Plant
both batches of seeds as indicated, wait until they grow and observe a few
features on stems and petioles, so it is up to you to ID:
Stems with soft and easily detachable "scales" and petiole concave
above..... P.bipinnatifidum
(there are forms with green, reddish or almost coppery or maroon spathe)
Stems with hard and not easily detachable "scales" and petiole concave above
... P. mello-barretoanum
Stems without persistent "scales" and petiole flattened adaxially
................. P. lundii
Very best wishes,
>Could someone please tell me what the difference between Philodendron
>Selloum and Philodendron Bipinnafididum is? I ordered a packet of each
>type of seed, they look the same, but the Bipinnatifidum says it needs
>stratification before planting. When I researched these plants, they
>appear to be identical. So, what, exactly, do I have? Thank you! Leslie
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