From: "Craig Allen" callen at> on 2003.04.29 at 23:06:53(10144)
TitanWatch 4/29/03 The Media responds to Mr. Stinky
Here we go! The press releases went out once we knew that the Amorphophallus titanum "Mr. Stinky" was blooming as well as "Audrey III" We have had calls from the Miami Herald, Channel 10, and the Deco Drive Show just today. The Herald will be out tomorrow, so I guess I don't get that day completely off. The others news media that responded will be here later in the week. The Bromeliad Society of South Florida will have their annual show and sale at Fairchild Garden this weekend, so I will be at the Conservatory most of the day to tell the world about these wonders of nature. If any one is going to be at FTG this weekend look me up. I can talk about Titan Lilies all day.
If you check the web cam you should see an improvement in the picture, but we have decided not to hook up night time lights, just in case it might affect the development of the Titans. The spadix on Mr. Stinky is now apparent even on the web cam. You might also notice that we moved one of the Amorphophallus gigas a bit and removed a few of the hanging ferns. Since the spathe opened on the gigas the spadix has continued to grow and is now partially out of the picture. I also notice, later, that the Titans continued to grow after they opened. I had stopped measuring them and didn't notice until the day they began to collapse that they were taller than the last marked spot on the "TitanMeter".
Audrey III is showing the beginning of the burgundy/red color forming on the ruffled edge of the spathe.
If Audrey III opens on May 11th, it would be a Mother's Day bouquet a mom would never forget... I think I have been smelling a little too much Amorphophallus gigas. I will report that the odor from the A. gigas is dwindling. Now the gathered flies are after me. Do I smell like the gigas now?
Titan updates:
Audrey III - 53 inches
Mr. Stinky - 34 inches
Craig M. Allen