From: "Ron Iles" roniles at> on 2003.03.04 at 21:26:01(10026)
Dear Rand
Thank you for the most kind thoughts which were appreciated.
One of the major Specialist Tissue Culture & Propagation Companies in
Florida has just agreed to have the Collection & to make a permanent display
available for Plant Lovers. They surely could not be in a safer place. I
am hoping that for all plants it marks the beginning of a greater & greater
co-operation between idealistic & wise visioned Horticultural Companies,
Botanical Gardens, Private Collections & Collectors so that the biodiversity
is safer & safer in cultivation. Horticulture necessarily has much greater
finance & facilities as well as cultural expertise to ensure certain
survival & propagation of Biodiversity. With co-operation & co-ordination,
rare & endangered plants especially those of which there are only a few in
captivity can thus be made safer & can be made freely accessible as needed.
As the time has come when I am no longer able to keep well a Collection of
Rare Plants I need no longer be worried about what happens to them.... What
I propose to do I hope will help both the plants & those others who worry
about what happens when they too are no longer there to be custodians of
their Collections. It is my belief that the Spathiphyllums could not be in
a safer place from which it can be disseminated to other safe places. If
the most idealistic commercial horticultural companies the best as "Arks"?
If so should they not be the first to receive our philanthropy of our rarest
& most botanically precious plants? As ordinary individual folk can we ever
hope to provide full "State of the Art" support & lasting security?
Biodiversity depends not only on providing safe environments where they can
grow & multiply but on being able to do that indefinitely into posterity for
posterity & for reasons beyond our own finite lives.....
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: [aroid-l] Spathiphyllum Diaspora
> Hello Ron:
> Is there nothing to be done and no one to help? Although I cannot
> imagine another with the same praetorian degree of devotion and
> sense of duty to the Spathiphyllum, are there none in Erin of the
> Aroid persuasion on this list that could possibly lend a hand?
> Allowing you some breathing space till the warmer months when,
> perhaps, a less hasty disposition of your unique collection could be
> considered?
> Best Regards,
> Rand
> >Thank you Wilbert for the always professional fun & compassion. Now that
> >have learned to write coherently so as to be understood maybe I will have
> >get really imaginative & be more subtle in what I write between the lines
> >words? Anyway, I'm treading water, undecided as to the best for the
> >Spaths, to send them in weakened state to an Ark of unknown security or
> >persevere here because it is now closer to Summer & somehow it may be
> >to get them back into their original peak condition to pass on or not
> >
> >Photos of Spaths I will send snail as soon as the house move traumas
> >& I can get out of the huge number of boxes in this much smaller place.
> >man's meat is another Man's poison...but I do so like my matter of fact
> >of colourful, even pungent, ingredients, an acquired taste & some might
> >I sometimes prepare the food to make it deliberately undigestible....May
> >have your beloved Amorphophallus Collection for the next fifty years &
> >may we read the kindly abrasive straight faced Dutch humour.
> >
> >The Best & Thanks again
> >
> >Ron
> >.
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid"
> >To:
> >Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 7:07 AM
> >Subject: Re: [aroid-l] New IAS website additions
> >
> >
> >> Dear Ron,
> >>
> >> Well, now there is a bunch of coherent lines in one message. This one
> >> could fully understand. It is indeed a horror to have to cut up a
> >> collection. Hell, even my own Amorphophallus collection may be up for
> >grabs
> >> one day (soon.......). Life goes on.....
> >>
> >> No worry about the pix. When you get to it and you have some
> >> ones, we'll be happy to put them up.
> >>
> >> Cheerio,
> >>
> > > Wilbert
> --
> Rand Nicholson
> Zone 5b Maritime Canada