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  aroid recommendations
From: "Carol McCarthy" <Carol.McCarthy at mail.wvu.edu> on 2009.01.08 at 19:50:50(18880)
Hello Good People,

I work at a university greenhouse that supports, among other things, the teaching of a plant taxonomy class. Can you please recommend some species in the Araceae family that I could grow for the class?

Requirements: 1) Tropical or subtropical, a year round greenhouse grower. 2) Can be kept to about a 6 inch pot size or smaller and be a blooming size plant. 3) Ideally the plant would bloom fairly often or could be convinced to bloom around the second half of September in a greenhouse in the USA, West Virginia. 4) flower structure, fairly typical spathe and spadix.

I have lurked on this list a while so I am somewhat familiar with the family. I can supply dry and or cool resting periods or extra heat and or light to encourage the plant at the needed time of the year. I would prefer a true species but an example is much better than no example. Between this greenhouse and another on campus we have several examples of species in the family but they are mostly philodendrons and Dieffenbachia that either don't bloom very often or only bloom when they are larger plants than we are usually able to accommodate.

If you suggest something out of the ordinary, which I personally would prefer, please include some hints on where to obtain plants.
Feel free to reply publicly or privately.

Thanks for any help on this.

Carol McCarthy

From: Don Martinson <LLmen at wi.rr.com> on 2009.01.10 at 22:38:09(18885)

It would be great if you could be fortunate enough to find a source for
Anthurium trinerve. While I grew it, it always seems to be in bloom,
remained very compact and consistently set the most attractive light purple

Best photo I can find is:


This photo does not show the mature purple fruit, but here is one that does:

http://home.rr.com/abycats (this is from one of my own plants while I grew

I would love to find a plant or seed for myself!

Don Martinson

From: "Ertelt, Jonathan B" <jonathan.ertelt at vanderbilt.edu> on 2009.01.10 at 22:40:52(18886)

There are several easy to grow Anthurium species that are regular bloomers
and self-pollinate as well, so after a while you start to have fruits
showing as well. They would do better in hanging baskets - do you have
that possibility? I can send you seed of both once the weather warms a
A slightly different flower type for the family is to be found in the
genus Spathicarpa, with two species that are pretty commonly grown, S.
sagittifolia and S. hastifolia. Either of these would also be good to
have, although they are more seasonal bloomers - but they certainly can
grow/bloom in small pots. Some of the smaller growing Spathiphyllum
species and cultivars would also be good possibilities.

Let me know if you're interested in the Anthurium species.


From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.01.10 at 23:02:32(18888)
Well Hello right back at you, good Ms. Carol!

SIZE is the difficulty here, most of the aroids grown by aroid-lovers are pretty large, but let`s see what we can do---the problem will be in you obtaining some of these plants, a note to this self-same list may bring some folks out of the shadows who may have specimens to offer for sale or trade.
The first that comes to my mind is Callopsis volkensii (African), which loves a 5" pot and produces blooms which in my opinion are one of THE most interesting and beautiful in this family, a lily-white spathe with an egg-yolk yellow spadix, blooms regularly and LOVES the extra TLC and fertilizer, etc. you guys should be able to give to it.
The second in a S. American, will also do well in a smaller pot, say 5"-6", it is Spathicarpa, any species which may be available.  This one will be easier to obtain.  Negative points are a non-typical spadix which is attached along the center of the spathe, but is again one of my favorites.  The bloom reminds me of a woman`s diamond tennis bracelet.
Spathiphyllum floribundum, the smallest of the species in this genus would be great, a 6" pot should do the trick, nice typical blooms. Sometimes available at Home Depot type stores.
Several dwarf Anubias species should be available from Aquarium/fish stores, most are usually grown UNDER water, but will do well/better if re-planted as an ABOVE water plant and grown ''wet'' (with the sand mix, in a 5" pot standing in a in a saucer of water), all the underwater leaves will die off, but new leaves will be produced for the now above-water plant.
I`m certain that others may add to this discussion, but good luck and GREAT growing.


> Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 14:50:50 -0500
> From: Carol.McCarthy@mail.wvu.edu



From: "Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2009.01.11 at 03:06:04(18889)

I would recommend Spathicarpa. These plant bloom frequently, and can stay
small if you divide them frequently. For something REALLY small, try Lemma
or Wolfia.





From: "Windy Aubrey" <exotics at hawaii.rr.com> on 2009.01.11 at 03:24:01(18891)
Hi Don and Carol,

I have this Anthurium as A. scandens and, like you mentioned, it is almost
always in bloom producing it's lovely pearl like berries.
It's a compact trailing species that makes a beautiful full specimen with
it's small leaves.
I like it because it's really different from the other Anthuriums I grow.
I would be more than happy to send you some seed to grow on.
It's a fairly fast grower and you would have some nice size plants in no
Contact me with your address if you would like some to try.
I can also give you some easy instructions for growing Anthuriums from seed,
if you are not familiar with the process.


From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.11 at 22:40:54(18895)

I am a lab tech at Queens College, and one of the labs I look after is the Botany lab. In this lab, I grow Anthurium gracile which is a constant bl oomer with lots of red seed production. A nice show. I have also star ted getting some blooms of A. scandens.<--Spelling. This species is supp osed to be a nice bloomer too with nicer fruit.
I also have a species formerly known as Typhonium varians, which I have hea rd has a new name. I got it from T&C Terrariums online.
I do have one question for you. Do you supply any arteficial lighting, a nd if so, where does your college get them from. I am trying to retrofit th e lab here with some nicer lights than your average T8's.
Also, I am experimenting with growing some jack in the pulpits indoors. So far I have succeeded with attaining a second year growth. However, bo th the Typonium and this one would be Spring bloomers.




From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.11 at 23:07:25(18896)
I just read some more suggestions. I would agree with the Spathicarpa. I grow that one in a vivarium and seems to bloom constantly when not resting.
Anubias is tricky for me, never seems to bloom when I want to show the off. However I would imagine that in a green house it would be easy to get them to flower constantly.
Spathiphyllums are easy as well. Sometimes they just go at it, and in great numbers.
Maybe you might want to try some Cryptocorynes, though they are not reliable bloomers even for the experts.



From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.11 at 23:11:32(18897)
One last one I would HIGHLY reccomend. Water lettus, Pistia. If grown in sufficient light and in sufficient nutrient rich water, this floater will easily produce blooms. It will grow like duckweed giving you the numbers you need for a lab, and usually most will be in bloom in the autumn.



From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2009.01.12 at 21:27:23(18901)

I think Pistia stratiotes is not representative as a typical blooming aroid, its lnflorescences are highly reduced.

(see photos) - http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/pistia/pistia.htm

Typhonium, Dracunculus and other "coloured" tuberous aroids are insufficient to grow indoors. They require a lot of light. I grew a few years ago an Arisaema amurense - http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/arisaema/arisaema1.htm at home without additional lighting, just on the window and it bloomed normally. The easiest Arisaema I think is A. flavum but it needs to spend a winter in a cold place.

I don't recommend Spathiphyllum if you are a botanist. All plants sold in the shops are cultivars.





From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2009.01.12 at 22:23:52(18902)
Aroid-L mailing list
From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2009.01.12 at 23:57:12(18903)
Dear Tindomal Er-Murzor:

Wedo use artificial lighting during the winter days, especially if it is overcastoutside, not necessarily for the health of the plants since they seem tosurvive ok in winter months but as much as anything just to lighten up theplace to make it less dreary to work. Our lights are just standard fluorescentbulbs so far as I know. I have never tried raising jack in the pulpits indoorsbut I guess if you have a cool greenhouse I don’t know why you could not.




From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2009.01.13 at 00:05:25(18904)
Dear Carol:

I would suggest Anthurium scandens and A. gracile. Both can
grow in small pots, flower a lot and even set fruits parthenocarpically.
For something with unisexual flowers a tough species like Dieffenbachia
seguine flowers in the "rainy" season, usually between July and
November. Dieffenbachia oerstedii is a bit smaller and might better
suit your needs.


From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.14 at 16:48:20(18909)

Hello Marek,

I was able to grow a plant sold to me as Typhonium varians under 6 T5, 54 watt, 4100K grow lights. So, it very easy I think to grow this species under artificial lighting.

Typhonium, Dracunculus and other "coloured" tuberous aroids are
insufficient to grow indoors. They require a lot of light. I grew a few years
ago an Arisaema amurense -
http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/arisaema/arisaema1.htm at home without
additional lighting, just on the window and it bloomed normally. The easiest
Arisaema I think is A. flavum but it needs to spend a winter in a cold place.

I don't recommend Spathiphyllum if you are a botanist. All plants sold in
the shops are cultivars.




From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2009.01.16 at 19:52:20(18917)

A very beautiful plant. As I can't have it could I publish your photos in Araceum with due credits (your name under the photos)?

Marek Argent



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