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  NOT a Piper sp.
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.12.20 at 10:24:24(14967)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Monday, December 18, 2006 8:23 PM
To : "'Discussion of aroids'"
Subject : RE: [Aroid-l] 'New' commercial aroids in pots

Dear Bill, Enid, Jani and Friends,

Philo. 'Brazil' was new at least to ME since I don`t grow these kinds of
climbing aroids! The other plant in question is NOT a Piper, it is deff.
an aroid, and a VERY interesting one to boot, the color (purplish-green w/
splashes of cream) and especially the texture of its leaves is outstanding,
like leather, but not a rough as P. rugosum. I THINK the guy where I saw
it said it was purchased from a commercial grower in S.W. Florida, and that
he THOUGHT that it was named "Pothos 'splash' "or somesuch, I will corner
him and re-check the name on the invoice ASAP and let you guys know.

Good Growing,


From: "Peter Boyce" <botanist at malesiana.com> on 2006.12.21 at 21:58:52(14982)
Hi Julius et al.

I have stupidly deleted the email with the link to the 'Piper ornatum'image
before I got a chane to take a look; can anyone repost it?



From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2006.12.22 at 00:06:49(14985)
I wonder if the one nicknamed Pothos "splash" is one of the varieties of Scindapsus pictus. Malesiana was offering a few different ones that I havent seen before. Not sure if any of them get a purplish leaf though, the 2 more common forms are plain/dark green with cream/white speckles or markings. Sounds very interesting to say the least Julius. Keep us informed.



From: <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2006.12.22 at 14:36:44(14990)
Hi all,

Pothos (or even Photos [!] ) is a commonly used
name by nurseries and gardeners for several forms of Epipremnum,
Scindapsus, or Rhaphidophira. We must remember that the genus Pothos
belongs to another subfamily Pothoideae, and the genera mentioned
above belong to Monsteroideae, tribe Monstereae. The Monstereae tribe is
easy to distinguish even when not in bloom. Just look at the leaves - one
leaf has a right side broader, the next one has the left side
broader and so on. When unfolding they are sequentially left and right

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