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  Peltandra sagittifolia (?)
From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2005.01.05 at 18:18:53(12548)
I'm looking to dd Peltandra sagittifolia to my collection and
although it is a native, I can't seem to find it anywhere! Does
anyone know of a source for either plant or seed?

How does Peltandra sagittifolia differ from P. virginica?

The species Peltandra sagittifolia is not mentioned in either Hortus
III nor Gleason and Cronquist's Manual of Vascular Plants of the
Northeast United States and Adjacent Canada (at least not in my
editions). I would question whether it exists as a separate species.

Don Martinson

From: "Balistrieri, Carlo" cbalistrieri at nybg.org> on 2005.01.05 at 19:34:57(12550)
The Flora of North America lists both (it's on line). Don didn't find
sagittifolia because it's native to the southeast (North Carolina to
Florida) and, therefore, wouldn't show in Gleason and Cronquist.


From: Sue Thompson sthomp at andrew.cmu.edu> on 2005.01.05 at 20:21:35(12551)
Peltandra sagittifolia is indeed a very distinct species and, in my
opinion, is one of the prettiest aroids, especially for North American
species! Although superficially similar to Peltandra virginia, it differs
in vegetative, floral, and fruit characters as well as habitat. It grows
in acidic bogs along the coastal plain of the U.S. and is listed as a
"species of conservation concern" in several states. The spathe is white
and the berries mature to a bright red. I recall a nursery in South
Carolina, that specializes in native species, having it for sale several
years ago, but I can't remember the nursery's name. I think it was in
Aiken, SC.

Sue Thompson

From: "Craig Presnell" jcpresnell at earthlink.net> on 2005.01.05 at 20:55:14(12552)
The obvious visual difference between P. virginica and P. sagittifolia is
that in the latter the upper 2/3s of the spath is white and the berries
ripen to a bright red , whereas P. virginica has a green spath and
greenish-brown berries. I can't help but think those two characteristics
alone would be a welcome addition to a collection.

I know it is listed as rare in Fl and Ga....and I suspect across its entire
range, but still have hopes it is available somewhere. I have seen
pictures of it in collections in Germany, for one and mention made of it in
Great Britain.


From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2005.01.05 at 22:54:32(12555)
Sue, the nursery you are talking about is Woodlanders and if I recall correctly I too think I have seen P. sagittifolia listed.


From: Adam Black epiphyte1 at earthlink.net> on 2005.01.06 at 00:58:11(12557)
Here in north Florida, P. sagittifolia is very habitat specific and
spotty in distribution. Seems that whenever I have found it, there has
always been the pitcher plant Sarracenia minor growing nearby, which
also has an irregular distribution, rare but locally common in the right
areas - acidic sphagnum boggy areas with little or no overhead tree
cover and minimal amounts of other types of weedy smothering vegetation.
They are easy to overlook, as the plants are small, but when blooming,
the beautiful snowy white spathe stands out like a sore thumb. Wherever
you find one, there are always more in the general vicinity. Definately
much more rare than P. virginica, which seems more common growing as an
aquatic emergent in shady areas, especially along rivers and creeks. I
can email digital images of both species in habitat to anyone interested.

Adam Black

From: "Bamboo Chik" bamboochik at earthlink.net> on 2005.01.06 at 11:23:23(12559)
Could it have been "Woodlanders"? I must go for a walk through my wetlands
this spring and be on the lookout for it. That would be a nice surprise to
come upon. Thanks to birds, I get many here...b.f.n..deb/s.al

. I recall a nursery in South
> Carolina, that specializes in native species, having it for sale several
> years ago, but I can't remember the nursery's name. I think it was in
> Aiken, SC.

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