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Variegation in Anthuriums ?
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2002.02.25 at 17:30:33(8219)
How common is variegation in Anthuriums ?
I ask this question as I recently saw the most stunning variegated'birds
nest' .
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It was a Anth.cubense , and had grown to a good size.
The same grower also has a variegated form of Anth. crystallinum , that he
claims grows true from seed .
I have grown thousands of Anth seedlings and still not seen one with
Michael Pascall,
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From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at charter.net> on 2002.02.26 at 16:11:29(8228)
Do adroid species get a type of mosaic virus? I had someone ask me
yesterday if they had a special "variegated" cymbidium. What they had was a
cymbidium with a heavy infestation of cymbidium mosaic virus.
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
> How common is variegation in Anthuriums ?
> I ask this question as I recently saw the most stunning variegated'birds
> nest' .
> It was a Anth.cubense , and had grown to a good size.
> The same grower also has a variegated form of Anth. crystallinum , that he
> claims grows true from seed .
> I have grown thousands of Anth seedlings and still not seen one with
> variegation.
> Michael Pascall,
> _________________________________________________________________
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.02.26 at 21:50:30(8232)
Dear Celeste,
I was JUST about to reply to my friend Michael Pascall in Australia
concerning this 'varegated' Anthurium. I have seen a TRUE varigated bird`s
nest-type anthurium grown from seed by Don Bittel, it was entered in the IAS
shop in Miami several years ago. I have also seen birds nest Anthuriums
and another large leaf hybrid called 'Anth. lazaro' ex-tissue culture with
dasheen mosiac virus, the last two were in a Nursery near here in WPB, the
same nursery also had Philodendrons with it, and several other aroids all
demonstrating the distinctive symptoms. The owner would not get rid of
them, he thought them attractive!
I`m glad that someone was thinking the same as I was!
Cheers Michael!
Best Wishes,
| +More |
yesterday if they had a special "variegated" cymbidium. What they had was a
cymbidium with a heavy infestation of cymbidium mosaic virus.
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
> How common is variegation in Anthuriums ?
> I ask this question as I recently saw the most stunning variegated'birds
> nest' .
> It was a Anth.cubense , and had grown to a good size.
> The same grower also has a variegated form of Anth. crystallinum , that he
> claims grows true from seed .
> I have grown thousands of Anth seedlings and still not seen one with
> variegation.
> Michael Pascall,
> _________________________________________________________________
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2002.03.03 at 00:16:06(8236)
In a message dated Tue, 26 Feb 2002 4:51:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Julius Boos" writes:
I have also seen birds nest Anthuriums
> and another large leaf hybrid called 'Anth. lazaro' ex-tissue culture with
> dasheen mosiac virus. The owner would not get rid of
> them, he thought them attractive!
| +More |
> yesterday if they had a special "variegated" cymbidium. What they had was a
> cymbidium with a heavy infestation of cymbidium mosaic virus.
Is it not true that, in Tulips, all the "Rembrandt"-type, or broken-color varieties, have tulip mosaic virus? This is why reputable nursuries tell you to keep broken-color tulips separate from solid colors. If this is established in the tulip trade, what is the likelihood of the same practice in the aroid trade?
Jason Hernandez
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.03.03 at 17:27:22(8238)
In a message dated Tue, 26 Feb 2002 4:51:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,
"Julius Boos" writes:
| +More |
I have also seen birds nest Anthuriums
> and another large leaf hybrid called 'Anth. lazaro' ex-tissue culture with
> dasheen mosiac virus. The owner would not get rid of
> them, he thought them attractive!
> yesterday if they had a special "variegated" cymbidium. What they had was
> cymbidium with a heavy infestation of cymbidium mosaic virus.
>>Is it not true that, in Tulips, all the "Rembrandt"-type, or broken-color
varieties, have tulip mosaic virus? This is why reputable nursuries tell
you to keep broken-color tulips separate from solid colors. If this is
established in the tulip trade, what is the likelihood of the same practice
in the aroid trade?
Jason Hernandez
In MOST cases I have observed of an Aroid that has contracted Dasheen mosiac
virus the plant soon becomes weakened, the new leaves being produced that
have the varigation caused by the virus begin to decline in size and shape
(they deform), and pretty soon the plant becomes 'ugly'. The virus is
said to be transmitted by 'sucking insects', and in the greenhouses where I
observed these plants aphids and white fly were fairly common.
I have seen a specimen of Xanthosoma cf. brazilense where the virus seemed
to wax and wane, and the plant seems healthy now, which goes against the
grain of reports that say that it can not be 'cured', though I must admit
that I have done nothing to 'treat/cure' this plant.
From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at charter.net> on 2002.03.03 at 22:32:15(8241)
The way I understand it, viruses in plants are vector borne. The vector for
transmission of virus is, as mentioned, often chewing-type insects. However,
another often overlooked route of virus transmission is the cutting done by
humans with tainted pruners.
So if one gets a plant with a virus, it is best to get rid of it
immediately. I think also that it would be wise for the near future, after
the plant was destroyed, to dip pruners or any other cutting instruments in
alcohol inbetween working with each plant.
I don't think there is a way to get rid of a virus in a plant. They don't
make a plant antiviral treatment, to my knowledge.
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 7:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
> In a message dated Tue, 26 Feb 2002 4:51:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> "Julius Boos" writes:
> >
> I have also seen birds nest Anthuriums
> > and another large leaf hybrid called 'Anth. lazaro' ex-tissue culture
> > dasheen mosiac virus. The owner would not get rid of
> > them, he thought them attractive!
> <
> > yesterday if they had a special "variegated" cymbidium. What they had
> a
> > cymbidium with a heavy infestation of cymbidium mosaic virus.
> >>Is it not true that, in Tulips, all the "Rembrandt"-type, or
> varieties, have tulip mosaic virus? This is why reputable nursuries tell
> you to keep broken-color tulips separate from solid colors. If this is
> established in the tulip trade, what is the likelihood of the same
> in the aroid trade?
> Jason Hernandez
> Naturalist-at-Large<<
> In MOST cases I have observed of an Aroid that has contracted Dasheen
> virus the plant soon becomes weakened, the new leaves being produced that
> have the varigation caused by the virus begin to decline in size and shape
> (they deform), and pretty soon the plant becomes 'ugly'. The virus is
> said to be transmitted by 'sucking insects', and in the greenhouses where
> observed these plants aphids and white fly were fairly common.
> I have seen a specimen of Xanthosoma cf. brazilense where the virus seemed
> to wax and wane, and the plant seems healthy now, which goes against the
> grain of reports that say that it can not be 'cured', though I must admit
> that I have done nothing to 'treat/cure' this plant.
> Julius
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.03.03 at 23:03:51(8243)
Correct, this is the same story that I have heard. The recomended
'treatment' for any aroid w/ this virus is to discard the infected plant.
Good hygene by disinfecting pruners will also keep you collection clear.
Remember at last IAS show in Miami (last Sept.) that there was an
Amorphophallus sp. that showed symptoms of the virus which we rejected for
the auction??
| +More |
>>The way I understand it, viruses in plants are vector borne. The vector
transmission of virus is, as mentioned, often chewing-type insects. However,
another often overlooked route of virus transmission is the cutting done by
humans with tainted pruners.
So if one gets a plant with a virus, it is best to get rid of it
immediately. I think also that it would be wise for the near future, after
the plant was destroyed, to dip pruners or any other cutting instruments in
alcohol inbetween working with each plant.
I don't think there is a way to get rid of a virus in a plant. They don't
make a plant antiviral treatment, to my knowledge.<<
From: "john s. smolowe" johnsmolowe at pacbell.net> on 2002.03.04 at 03:37:35(8244)
Do the various common variegated Philodendrons and Monstera harbor viruses? Ie
are they safe in my collection?
John Smolowe
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Julius Boos wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Celeste Whitlow
> To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 5:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Variegation in Anthuriums ?
> Correct, this is the same story that I have heard. The recomended
> 'treatment' for any aroid w/ this virus is to discard the infected plant.
> Good hygene by disinfecting pruners will also keep you collection clear.
> Remember at last IAS show in Miami (last Sept.) that there was an
> Amorphophallus sp. that showed symptoms of the virus which we rejected for
> the auction??
> Julius
> >>The way I understand it, viruses in plants are vector borne. The vector
> for
> transmission of virus is, as mentioned, often chewing-type insects. However,
> another often overlooked route of virus transmission is the cutting done by
> humans with tainted pruners.
> So if one gets a plant with a virus, it is best to get rid of it
> immediately. I think also that it would be wise for the near future, after
> the plant was destroyed, to dip pruners or any other cutting instruments in
> alcohol inbetween working with each plant.
> I don't think there is a way to get rid of a virus in a plant. They don't
> make a plant antiviral treatment, to my knowledge.<<
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