IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Panama again
From: StroWi at t-online.de (StroWi) on 2001.04.30 at 14:38:22(6321)
Dear all,
esp. Julius Boos,

below you find a request that I mailed a few weeks ago. Getting no reply so far,
I already thought that there are no tuberous aroids in Central Amercica (excuse
my ingnorance from which you see that I am still a novice in aroid matters...).

From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2001.04.30 at 16:14:07(6326)
I just returned from Panama this past january and found 2 individuals of
dracontium. Two different species.

Dracontium is rather difficult to locate due to its naturally rare

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