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callas, Z. aethiopica in particular
From: "George R Stilwell, Jr." grsjr at juno.com> on 2000.11.10 at 15:25:07(5667)
'Tis a puzzlement! I'm growing Z. 'Green Goddess' and Z 'Marshmallow'
but I haven't had the latter long enough to comment on it. The former is
a yawn for me.
I haven't found Z. aethiopica 'Childsiana' or 'Pink Mist' yet. But I
have what is supposed to be
Z. a. 'Hercules Brother' which I got from Dan Levin. But, the plants I
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don't even remotely resemble the description of this selection.
There certainly is no shortage of hybrids. One problem with Z. aethiopica
here is that it
insists on growing in winter even though the frost whacks it every year.
I realize that
winter is it's normal growing season in South Africa, but they don't have
The other species are well behaved and go to bed in the winter.
Perhaps that's why most of the hybrids are not of aethiopica origin.
If you're interested in the hybrids, do check out the Oregon Coastal Bulb
Co, a wholesale importer.
I think
will get you there. Jeanne Hannah got a group order together for us and
some of their hybrids
are really spectacular.
I've also been seeking a source for the less well known species. I've
tried several nurseries
in South Africa and Kirstenbosch with only one success. Rechel Saunders
of Silver Hill Seeds did find some Z. pentlandii seed for me and Welland
Cowley, Cape Flora, will supply Zantedeschia pentlandii tubers in August
at $215.00 per 100 mature tubers http://ftp.iafrica.com/c/ca/capeflor/.
However, not a sign of the more interesting species like Z. jucunda, Z.
odorata, and Z. valida.
Rechel did say the habitat for Z. odorata is being destroyed at a really
rapid rate for farming.
She has some plants growing, but not enough seed to sell yet.
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From: Steve Marak samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 2000.11.10 at 16:19:16(5671)
I was about to mention Z. a. 'Hercules' myself; several of us obtained
plants a year or so back (I'm at work, can't check the date) in a group
order. I see you mention 'Hercules Brother' - is that the correct name for
this cultivar, or another? And what is the description you have for it?
So far my only experience with it is that it does seem more robust that
the usual Z. a. It hasn't reached anything like the exceptional size it's
said to be capable of, but that could be either youth or my zone 6
conditions. I generally leave all Zantedeschias outdoors here, and they
seem quite hardy (Z. rehmannii is a bit iffy), but I did bring a couple in
this year. As I feared, it looks like they will remain in active growth
and the growth will be weak because of the lower light levels.
The best here are about any of the large yellow-flowered hybrids. They
come up when the weather warms up, flower well, are well-behaved about
going dormant in the fall, and never try to resume growth during a warm
spell in January.
If you do find sources of any of the other species, please count me as
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-- Steve Marak
-- samarak@arachne.uark.edu
From: "George R Stilwell, Jr." grsjr at juno.com> on 2000.11.10 at 20:27:18(5672)
I looked up the notes and it was called 'Hercules Brother' because Dan
wasn't positive that it was 'Hercules'. I was hoping for a 6' specimen,
would settle for 4', but actually got 1.5'.
I'll keep you in mind if I find sources for the species. I'd rather grow
the species than the hybrids,
but I must admit the ones we got from Oregon Bulbs are spectacular.
All of my Zantedeschia are growing outdoors (N. Carolina) and, except for
aethiopica insisting
on growing in late fall/early winter, I've had no problems. They even
seem to thrive in the heavy
NC clay.
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The oldest patch of aethiopica is 4 years old. Every year it gets to
looking like cooked spinach
in mid-winter. I just cut it back and then it seems willing to wait for
spring. However, this fall
it's a bit on the short side. We have been in the longest drought in NC
recorded history.
I don't expect it'll bloom this fall/winter. Hopefully it'll be back next
spring in better shape.
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From: Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 2000.11.11 at 19:09:09(5673)
George R Stilwell, Jr. writes:
> I looked up the notes and it was called 'Hercules Brother' because Dan
> wasn't positive that it was 'Hercules'. I was hoping for a 6' specimen,
> would settle for 4', but actually got 1.5'.
I was among those getting a 'Hercules' a few years back. I wasn't sure it
would do well outside so I kept it with my orchids the first year. It just
got smaller and smaller. I guess it wanted more light than the fluorescents
produced. Now it is outside by the Chesapeake and seems to
be surviving but is still in the process of coming back--about a foot tall
I guess. In the bed with it are a couple of Callas which are doing
spectacularly well. The soil in Deltaville is very sandy.
Clear skies,
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|Al Wootten, Slacktide, Sturgeon Creek at the Rappahannock|
|Astronomer (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/) |
|genealogy homepage http://members.tripod.com/~astral |
|Deltaville, Virginia (804)776-6369 |
From: Dan Levin levin at pixar.com> on 2000.11.11 at 19:10:15(5675)
The Z.a. 'Hercules' (or 'Hercules Brother') were acquired directly from Western Hills
Nursery, in Occidental Calif. Since I was the closest list member (60 miles), I bought
out their stock and did the distribution. However that quest really began in search of
Z.a. 'Hercules' described as "gigantic in stature (6 ft.+) with white spotted leaves"; a plant
described in the records of Strybing over in San Francisco; and credited to the founders
of Western Hills who unfortunately are no longer around to shed any light on the matter.
I was promised at the time by the current owners of Western Hills their plain leaved plants
were in fact 'Hercules'- but without spotting. However I seriously suspect they goofed in
their labeling somewhere along the line and we all ended up with generic aethiopica or
perhaps some other selection. This initial doubt led to Ray tentatively penning the title
Z.a. 'Hercules Brother' here on aroid_L I believe.
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Since that time I inadvertently discovered what I think might be the "real" Z.a. 'Hercules'.
Happened to spy an old established clump growing up a gulch on the property of another
nursery in the immediate area of Western Hills. This plant matches the original description
with huge spotted leaves to approx. 3 ft. in length and a total height of at least 7 ft. (!)
At first glance it looked like a large Colocasia or Alocasia and it made for a most imposing,
spectacular sight to be sure. It seems credible that the true 'Hercules' could've changed
hands between local nursery owners once upon a time. I'm still trying to acquire as much
of this plant as I can. But silly me: I told the present owners of this nursery it was likely a
rare plant before attempting to purchase any (I had just stopped one of their workers from
clearing it out with a machete when first sighted, so had explained it's potential value).
Bad move. They were then only willing to sell me one small piece for very much money!
I'm still trying to acquire as much of it as I can for my own yard and as trade fodder.
On a parallel note, I distinctly recall that in Tony Avent's entertaining talk at VIII IAC
mention was made of a trip to Calif. and finding someone's driveway lined with these
same huge spotted leaved Zantedeschias. According to my notes, Tony said he'd already
acquired a bunch of the plants and had taken them back to his place for propagation.
Sure sounded like the same plant, in any case. Did I get this right Tony? Is this plant
something you've got coming out soon?
For my part, I'll propagate as much as I can but I'm no businessman (obviously) and my
only interest would be in circulating this puppy around to fellow enthusiasts by way of
trades or what have you.
-Dan Levin
From: Tony Avent tony at plantdel.com> on 2000.11.14 at 03:55:24(5681)
Dan, Ray:
Okay, let see if I can add two cents worth to the zantedeschia aethiopica
fray. The plant that Dan sent was solid green, but seems to be larger than
our typical Z. aethiopica.
When we visited San Francisco, a friend had a row of Z. aethiopica named
Z. White Giant' that had foliage to 3' tall, speckled, and typical Z.
aethiopica flowers to 7' tall. We were able to aquire this plant, which
will be listed in our 2001 catalog.
We later aquired another plant at Strybing Botanical Garden named Z.
'Hercules'. The leaves are much larger than our Z. White Giant', but they
have only been in the ground here for two years. We have not started to
propagate Z. 'Herculues' yet, but probably will do so next year. For us
Z. aethiopica gets burned back in the winter, but starts growing again at
each warm spell. It flowers heaviest in spring, sporadically in summer,
then again in fall.
Plantsman Sean Hogan of Portland tells me that he found a giant Z.
aethiopica seedling when he was curator at Berkley Botanic Gardens in CA.
More than likely, his plant is one of these two giants, but as of now, we
do not know which one. I hope this helps.
Tony Avent
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Plant Delights Nursery @
Juniper Level Botanic Garden
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, NC 27603 USA
Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
email tony@plantdel.com
website http://www.plantdel.com
phone 919 772-4794
fax 919 662-0370
"I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it myself...at least
three times" - Avent
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