Aroideana 29
Lower portion of spadix with spathe cut away: Top left, Amorphophallus croatii; top right, Amorphopballus myosuroides; lower left, Amorphophallus reflexus.; lower right, Amorphophallus serrulatus (Two left photos by Wilbert Hetterscheid, two at right by Alan Galloway) Hapaline locii V.D. Nguyen & Croat
1. Habit. 1'. Leaf in detail. 2. Inflorescence. 3. Synandrode. 4. Ovary.


Aroideana Volume 29, 2006
  • A Taxonomic Revision of Biarum (Araceae) - P. C. Boyce
  • Protarum sechellarum Engl. (Araceae) - J. Bogner
  • Notes on the Genus Amorphophallus 14. New Species from Madagascar - W. L. A. Hetterscheid and R. D. Mangelsdorff
  • Notes on the Genus Amorphophallus (Araceae) 15. New Species from SE Asia - W. L. A. Hetterscheid
  • New Typhonium (Araceae) Species from Thailand - W. L. A. Hetterscheid and A. Galloway
  • A New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Loreto, Northern Peru - T. B. Croat, D. Scherberich and G. Ferry
  • New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Brazil - M. A. Nadruz Coelho
  • New Species of Genus Hapaline (Araceae) from Vietnam - Nguyen Van Du and T. B. Croat
  • Studies on the Genus Arum (Araceae) - M. Bedalov and P. Kilpfer
  • Arum - a Decade of Change - P. C. Boyce
  • The Monstera Rust Fungus as a Living Probe for Aroid DNA - D.E. Shaw
  • New Evidence of Pollination in Gearum brasiliense (Araceae-Spathicarpeae) - E.G. Goncalves and A. C. D. Maia
  • Variation in the Traditional Uses of Dracontium in the Vicinity of Iquitos, Peru - E. C. Morgan, J. A. Sperling and L. K. Leon
  • "Motusay" - Philodendron radiatum Schott (Araceae) - P. Diaz Jimenez
  • Karl Koch's Career with Araceae and his Connection with America: Family Photo of Karl Koch Found with Relative in St. Louis - T. B. Croat and C. V. Kostelac
  • Correction in Publication: Anthurium nutibarense - T. B. Croat
You can purchase a copy of this back issue here.