2nd MidAmerica Chapter
International Aroid Society Meeting
Missouri Botanical Garden
April 24, 2010
All plant enthusiasts are encouraged to attend - you don't have to be a member of the IAS! The only cost is admission to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Feel free to come for the first half, second half, or the full day of activities!
The meeting will be held in the Missouri Botanical Garden's Monsanto Center, at the corner of Shaw and Vandeventer. This is about 2 blocks west of the main gate at 4500 Tower Grove. The Monstanto Center's Gate will be left open and there is lots of parking space there. We will be going to and from the Garden on foot since we will have a tour of some of the grounds before lunch and of the Aroid greenhouse later in the afternoon. Finally we will be touring the Lehmann Building and have a reception in the late afternoon.
Opening Gathering:
8:30-9:30 AM. Coffee
9:30 AM A review of Systematic work with Araceae in the New World . Thomas B. Croat, Missouri Botanical Garden
10:15 AM Coffee break
10:45 AM A preview of the Philodendron from some arid areas of Brazil and a visit to the Burle Marx Collection in Brazil , Joep Moonen, Emerald Jungle Village , French Guiana .
11:15 AM Missouri Botanical Gardens Grounds Tour. This tour will concentrate on some of the grounds near the Ridgway Center since at least some of us will return there for lunch
12:15 PM Lunch break
Opening of Afternoon session:
1:00 PM An introduction to aroid genera, Thomas B. Croat, Missouri Botanical Garden
1:45 PM Cultivating tropical plants efficiently in a temperate environment, Steve Lucas, Siloam Springs , Arkansas .
2:15 PM Cultivating Aroids outdoors in a temperate area. Steve Marak, Springdale , Arkansas
2:30 PM Coffee break and plant swap and give away
3:00 PM Tour of Missouri Botanical Garden Aroid Collection
3:45 PM Tour of Research complex at Lehmann Building herbarium. This will include seeing the world's largest collection of herbarium specimens, demonstrations on the use of Lucid, a session at the CATE Araceae site at Kew and an explanation of Croat's research efforts with revisionary and floristic studies.
4:30 PM Refreshments
5:00 PM Adjournment [Depending on how many are in attendance, how many will depart, etc. we could meet for dinner as a group, have a party or just scatter and go home so please let us know your itinerary when you can.
If you have any questions about the MidAmerica Chapter, please contact Zach DuFran.