1920 to 1950: A Dearth
of Araceae Research
Only a few of the earlier
above mentioned non-specialists and flora writers did specialized
research with Araceae during the three decades following the completion
of Engler's treatment of the family in Das Pflanzenreich
(Engler, 1905a, 1911, 1912, 1915, 1920a-c). A few floristic projects
in the neotropics were pursued, such as the Araceae treatment
for the Flora of Peru (Macbride, 1936) and various floristic
projects by Paul Standley in Central America. Perhaps the lack
of monographic research was due to the disruption caused by two
World Wars and a major worldwide depression, or to the mistaken
belief that the Das Pflanzenreich treatment was a complete
revision of all the species that existed. However, there are exceptions
to this ebb in specialized research activity during the 1920s
through the 1940s. For example, there was research with leaf architecture
by the German botanist P. Ottmar Ertl (1932). This work detailed
petiolar anatomy, blade shape, and included an analysis of venation
in many different genera of Araceae. Other general publications
dealt with chromosomes in Anthurium by Lulu O. Gaiser (Gaiser,
1927, 1930) and other miscellaneous genera (Jussen, 1928; Ito,
The French botanist,
Samuel Buchet, published several papers dealing with the systematics
of the Araceae between 1920 and 1939 (Buchet, 1939a, 1939b, 1942;
Buchet & Guillaumin, 1939). He published new plant species
descriptions from Asia and especially from Madagascar. Another
Frenchman, H. Jumelle, also worked on the plants of Madagascar
(Jumelle, 1919, 1928). Still another French botanist, A. Chevalier,
published a few papers on Araceae during the same era. These dealt
with aquarium plants, Cryptocoryne (Chevalier, 1934a, 1934b),
and Cercestis in West Africa (Chevalier, 1920). In the
late 1940s and early 1950s the Indian botanist, D. Chatterjee,
published new species of Arisaema from Burma, India, and
Sikkim (Chatterjee, 1949, 1955).
Although botany languished
to some extent in other parts of the world due to the influence
of World War II, there was a renewed interest in research in the
Western Hemisphere after the war. The first signs of renewed research
activity was with the Araceae in Mexico. Eizi Matuda, a native
of Nagasaki, Japan but a naturalized Mexican citizen since 1928
(arriving in 1922), worked extensively on Araceae in the 1950s.
Matuda was a field man and traveled into remote areas by mule,
thus acquiring an excellent knowledge of much of tropical Mexico.
His descriptions, though relatively detailed, do not compare with
those of Sodiro. Matuda's first papers published a new species
of Dracontium (Matuda, 1949) as well as one of Monstera
and Philodendron (Matuda, 1949a). These were followed by
floristic accounts of particular regions including Mount Ovando
(Matuda, 1950a), the districts of Soconusco and Mariscal (Matuda,
1950b), and the state of Mexico (Matuda, 1957a). Miscellaneous
new Mexican species were described in nearly all Mexican genera
of Araceae throughout his career (Matuda, 1950c, 1950d, 1951,
1952, 1956a, 1956b, 1957b, 1959a, 1959b, 1961a, 1961b, 1965, 1966,
1972, 1975). In all, Matuda described more than 50 species of
Araceae, all from Mexico. His most useful work is a treatment
of the Araceae of Mexico which includes both dichotomous keys
and descriptions (Matuda, 1954).
Work in South America
During the time that
Matuda was collecting and describing plants in Mexico, Richard
Evans Schultes, a non-aroid specialist, was collecting and describing
new species in conjunction with his ethnobotanical studies in
South America, especially Amazonian Colombia. His ethnobotanical
findings are summarized in a book (Schultes & Raffauf, 1990).
In all, Schultes described about 20 species. Many of these remain
accepted names (Schultes, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1959, 1963, 1964a,
1964b; Schultes et al., 1978, 1994).
At about the same time,
Basset Maguire from the New York Botanical Garden discovered new
species during his expeditions to the Guayana Highlands (Maguire,
1948). Among those participating in his expeditions were George
Bunting and Julian Steyermark. Some of the new species were named
independently by Steyermark or Bunting but some were also described
by Alex D. Hawkes, a Californian. Though some of the species that
Hawkes described proved to be new, he frequently placed species
in the wrong genus. Though Hawkes described species in several
papers (Hawkes, 1948, 1951a, 1951b) he was not really considered
an expert on aroids.
Research with Araceae
also was renewed in South America during the 1950s with the Flora
of Suriname project. This work was carried out during the 1950s
and mid-1960s by A. M. E. Jonker-Verhoef and her husband F. P.
Jonker. The first paper in the series (Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker,
1953a) updated Pulle's 1906 "Enumeration of the Vascular
Plants of Surinam" and described two new species. Later in
the same year, a new treatment of the Araceae of Suriname (Jonker-Verhoef
& Jonker, 1953b) was published treating 18 genera and 67 species.
As a sign that most tropical floras started toward the middle
of the present century were begun prematurely, a paper published
only six years later added another thirteen species new to the
flora (Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker, 1959) and yet most others
(Jonker-Verhoef & Jonker, 1966, 1968) report an additional
7 species. The work done by the Jonkers was thorough and detailed
but their interest with the Araceae did not extend beyond Suriname.
Work in Central America
Paul C. Standley was
more of an aroid specialist since he did Araceae treatments for
a half dozen separate Central American flora or florulas that
described new Araceae during the decades of the 1930s and 1940s.
These floras were for the Panama Canal Zone (Standley, 1928),
Lancetilla Valley in Honduras (Standley, 1931), Barro Colorado
Island (Standley, 1927, 1933), Belize (Standley & Record,
1936), Costa Rica (Standley, 1937), Panama (Standley, 1944), and
Guatemala (Standley & Steyermark, 1958). In addition, he published
several other smaller papers with new species descriptions (Standley,
1932, 1940a, 1940b, 1944, 1958b; Standley & Steyermark, 1943;
Standley & L. O. Williams, 1951; 1952). Still, considering
how many potential new species there were in Central America,
Standley and his coworkers did not describe very many. In all,
Standley alone or with Julian Steyermark and/or Louis O. Williams
described 42 species of Araceae during this era.