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Syngonium steyermarkii Croat, sp. nov.
TYPE: Guatemala, San Marcos, vicinity of San Rafael, Finca Armenia
at La Trinidad, ca. 2 km above main buildings offinca, 1100-1250 m,
virgin forest along stream, Croat 40842 (MO-2599645, holotype; EAP,
F, MEXU, PMA, US, USCG, VEN, isotypes).
Caudex haud glaucus, scandens, internodiis 2-4 cm longis, 1-3 cm latis;
foliorum petiolus 25-60 cm longus, ca. ad Vi longitudinalis usque
vaginatus; lamina incisus lobo, ambito ovata, 20-43 cm longa, 17-36
cm lata, lobus anticus segmentis 5-6, 2-5 cm latis. Inflorescentia
in axilla 1-7, pedunculus 7-13 cm longus; spathae tubus 2.6 cm longus,
2 cm latus; pedunculus et spathae tubus valde glaucus.
Hemiepiphytic creeper; sap milky; stems 1-3 cm diam., 1.3 m long;
upper internodes 1.5-2.5 cm long, dark green, shiny, drying light
brown, shiny, the periderm drying wrinkled; leaves ca. 8, persisting
only near the apex, broadly spreading; petioles 25-60 cm long, subterete,
sheathed to beyond the middle to upper 2/3, sharply ribbed near the
apex of the sheath, drying black; blades incised-lobate, ovate in
outline, 20-43 cm long, 17-36 cm wide, firmly membranous, medium green
above, paler beneath, drying black, the anterior lobe with 5 or 6
segments, shallowly lobed to within 1-2 cm distant from the midrib,
the segments 2-5 cm wide, narrowly rounded at the apex, the posterior
lobes about half as long as the anterior lobe, the segments partly
confluent; midrib and primary lateral veins sunken above, raised and
U-shaped beneath; secondary veins and collective vein weakly sunken
on the upper surface, weakly raised on the lower surface; tertiary
veins distinctly visible.
Inflorescences 1-7 per axil; peduncles terete, erect
in flower, 7-13 cm long, ca. 1 cm diam., straight to sigmoid; spathes
5.5-7 cm long, somewhat fleshy, narrowly ovoid, acuminate, tightly
inrolled and curved forward at the apex, scarcely constricted near
the middle, opening from the apex of the spadix to the base of the
spadix; spathe tube green, glaucous, grayish or whitish green, ca.
2.6 cm long, 2 cm diam.; spathe blade green, scarcely or not at all
flared open; spadix 5-5.5 cm long; pistillate portion of the spadix
2.6-3 cm long, 2 cm diam., broader than the staminate portion, the
pistillate flowers pale green, 4-5 mm diam., the stigma sessile, ca.
2 mm diam., orange yellow; staminate portion of the spadix 2-2.5 cm
long, 0.6-1.3 cm diam., the staminate flowers creamy white, the synandrium
truncate at the apex with a medial depression, irregularly 4-6 sided,
2-3 mm diam.
Infructescences with the spathe tube 6-7 cm long, 3.5-4
cm diam., in part weakly glaucous, obtusely ribbed on the closed side;
fruiting spadix 5-7 cm long, ca. 4 cm diam. Figs. 31, 37-39.
DISTRIBUTION: Syngonium steyermarkii is known only from
the Pacific slope of Guatemala and southeastern Mexico at elevations
above 1250 m.
The species is named in honor of Julian A. Steyermark who made
three collections of it between 1940 and 1942 in three different departments
of Guatemala.
Syngonium steyermarkii is unique in having incised-lobate leaves
like those of Philodendron
radiatum Schott. It also differs from other Syngonium
species in having the inflorescences all mature at about the same
time and having the pistillate part of the spadix appreciably larger
than the staminate portion.
The data on the flowers was provided by Josef Bogner from a living
collection of Croat 47201 growing at Munich. The type collection had
immature fruits in July.
GUATEMALA: QUEZALTENANGO: Between Finca Pirineos and
Patzulin, Standley 86886, 86900 (F); Along Quebrada Geronimo, Finca
Pirineos, S slope of Volcan Santa Maria, 1300-2000 m, Steyermark 53437
(F). SAN MARCOS: Finca El Porvenir along Rio Chopal, S slope of Volcan
Tajumuico, 1300-1500 m, Steyermark 37499 (F); Above San Raphael, Croat
40842 (MO). SUCHITEPIQUEZ: Volean Santa Clara between Finca El Naranjo
and upper slopes, 1250-2650 m, Steyermark 46621 (F).
MEXICO: CHIAPAS: N ofPuente Monte Peria, Croat 47201 (MICH, MO).