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Syngonium podophyllum Schott var. peliocladum
(Schott) Croat, comb. nov.
S. peliocladum Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroid. 202. 1860. TYPE:
Costa Rica, Wendland (type destroyed, Sehott drawings 3215, 3216;
NYBG Photos 4327, 4328).
Juvenile plants with stems not glaucous, usually dark violet purple;
petioles sheathed from V-i to nearly the entire length; blades hastate
to sagittate, the anterior lobe ovate, acuminate, the posterior lobes
ovate to lanceolate, acute at the apex. Adult plants with stems not
glaucous; internodes 0.4-1.5 cm diam., 1-20 cm long, usually densely
covered with brownish projections; petioles 11-33 cm long, usually
sheathed 1/2-4/5 or more of their length, obtusely 1-ribbed adaxially;
blades trisect to almost 5-lobed, mostly 16-33 cm long, often drying
yellowish green; lateral leaflets free or confluent, usually conspicuously
auriculate and usually nearly pinched-off to form a small lobe, the
auricle directed at right angles to the axis of the lateral leaflets;
median leaflet 14-25 cm long, ovate to elliptic, acuminate at the
apex, acute to cuneate at the base; primary lateral veins 3-8 pairs,
sunken above, raised beneath; collective veins 2 or 3; tertiary veins
all clearly visible.
Inflorescences usually 6-8 per axil; peduncles not glaucous,
3.5-11 cm long and erect at anthesis, 7-14 cm long and pendent in
fruit; spathe tube ovoid to ellipsoid, usually not glaucous, 2-3 cm
long, green inside and out; spathe blade greenish white to cream,
4-5.5 cm long, pistillate portion of the spadix 1-2 cm long; staminate
portion of the spadix 4-6 cm long, the flowers similar to those of
S. podophyllum.
Infructescences yellow to orange, 4-5 cm long, 3-3.5
cm diam. Figs. 66, 70.
DISTRIBUTION: Syngonium podophyllum var. peliocladum is
known from Costa Rica and Panama, principally on the Atlantic slope
from sea level to ca. 1000 m. In Panama it occurs only in Bocas del
Toro Province. It occurs in tropical wet forest, premontane wet forest
and wetter parts of tropical moist forest.
This variety is recognized by its trisect to almost 5-lobed leaves,
usually several inflorescences, and stems which bear conspicuous tuberculate
excrescences. Though previously considered distinct from S.
podophyllum, it is distinguished from that species only by
the stem excrescences, and the two taxa overlap in most of the characters
previously used to separate them.
Flowering inflorescences are known from June through December. Immature
fruits are found more or less throughout the year.
COSTA RICA: CARTAGO: Vicinity Chitaria, Solis 241 (F); Las Vueltas,
Tucurrique, Tonduz. 12891 (US). HEREDIA: Finca La Selva, Croat 44306
(MO); Near Puerto Viejo, Croat 35677 (MO). LIMON:
N of Bribri, Burger & Antonio 10943 (F); Vicinity of Cairo, Standley
& Valeria s.n. (US); La Colombiana Farm, Standley 36975 (US);
Vicinity Llanuras de Santa Clara, Smith 4980 (US); Between Siguirres
and Rio Pacuare, Burger & Liesner 6931 (MO).
PANAMA: BOCAS DEL TORO: Above Almirante, Gentry 2745 (MO); W of Almirante,
Croat 38225 (MO); Vicinity Changuinola, Croat 38082 (F, MO), Lewis
el al. 954 (GH, K, MO, UC, US); Chiri-quicito, Lewis et al. 2022 (MO);
Vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1025, 2616, 2765 (F, GH, MO);
Between Quebrada Treglo and Puerto Palenque, Kirkbride & Duke
533 (MO); Rio Cricamola, between Finca St. Louis and Konkintoi, Woodson
et al. 1915 (MO); Station Milla7.5, Croat & Porter 16305 (MO),
Croat 38088, 38115 (MO); Water Valley, von Wedel 1545 (MO).