Hapaline kerrii
Notul. Syst. 9: 134 (1941). Type: Thailand, Satun, Kerr 14640 (holotype
K!; isotype BK!).
Slender, tuberous, deciduous
perennial herb up to 30 cm high. Stem: tuber compressed globose
to sub-rhizomatous, 2 - 2.4 x 1 - 1.5 cm; rhizome unknown. Roots
c. 0.25 mm in diam. Leaf: prophyll broadly linear-triangular, up
to 10 cm x 5 mm, acute to slightly acuminate; cataphyll triangular,
up to 10 cm x 9 mm, acute; petiole 9 - 20 cm x c. 2 mm; leaf blade
elliptic-cordiform, 5.2 - 15.5 x 2.9 - 8.5 cm, thin-textured, dark
green, margins smooth, apex acute to slightly attenuate, posterior
lobes overlapping. Inflorescence: 1 - 4 together, emerging before
the leaves, occasionally with them; peduncle 18 - 24 cm x 1 - 2
mm; spathe 5 - 8.5 cm long; spathe limb oblong-elliptic, 3 - 6.5
x 1 - 1.1 cm, apex acute, base decurrent into lower spathe; lower
spathe spathe margins clasping, 1 - 1.5 cm x 1 - 1.5 mm; spadix
4.5 - 9 cm x 1 - 2 mm, free portion cylindric, 3.5 - 5 cm, tapering
apically into a short appendix composed of free synandrodes. Flowers:
synandria 3 - 4 x 1 mm, oblong in plan view; ovaries compressed
ellipsoid to bottle-shaped, 2 x 1 mm, solitary; stigma capitate,
c. 0.33 mm in diam, style c. 0.5 mm long. Infructescence: Unknown.
(Fig. 4.).
THAILAND. Chaiyaphum: Phu-Landca Forest Reserve, 1981, Vamanonda
3 (K spirit 4648!); Satun: Tung Nui, 17 March 1928, Kerr 14640 (holotype
K!; isotype BK).
Bangkok, from plant brought from Saraburi without exact locality
and grown in Kerr's garden, Mar. 19 - May 22 1930, Kerr 19462 (K!).
HABITAT. Evergreen
forest, in crevices of limestone rocks; 100 m. Hapaline kerrii
is known from only three collections and appears to be very rare
in Thailand. However, it might be that it is simply overlooked in
the field since the collections are quite widely scattered. The
Vamanonda 3 collection grew well at Kew for a number of years but
eventually rotted during the winter dormancy period. Collection
notes made by Mrs D.J. Collins on the Kerr 19462 collection state
'Perfume - musk eau de cologne... Stem indistinct mottling of pinky
grey and greyish white - sheath of stem pink'.