separating Hapaline from other palaeotropical 'colocasioid'
(after Grayum, 1990). Comments in [ ] are additional to Grayum‰s
original list.
1. Non-peltate leaves
(relatively rare in palaeotropical genera) [but cf. Alocasia]
2. Spathe-spadix fusion
[cf. Alocasia aequiloba Engl.] 3. Uniovular ovaries.
4. Base chromosome number
of x = 13 (x = 14 in rest of Caladieae).
5. Trinucelate pollen
(but also present in Remusatia Schott).
6. Sterile male flowers
above and below the fertile male flowers [cf. Alocasia, many species
with staminodial appendages]