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An account
of native and introduced Epipremnum species in west and central
Malesia is presented as a precursor to the forthcoming Flora Malesiana
Araceae treatment. Seven species and one cultivar, none new, are recognized.
Epipremnum grandifolium is returned to Scindapsus, the
genus in which it was originally described and Scindapsus dilaceratus
(syns Monstera dilacerata, Rhaphidophora dilacerata, Tornelia dilacerata)
a long-overlooked synonym of E. pinnatum,
is discussed. Related genera and identification pit-falls are highlighted.
Dichotomous keys to the genera of tribes Anadendreae and Monstereae
and to west and central Malesian Epipremnum species, a multi-access
key to Epipremnum species in west and central Malesia and a
geographical species-finder list are provided. All names in the review
area are accounted for. Five species are illustrated.