1. Inflorescence small. Spathe mostly less than
9 cm long just prior to opening . . 2
1a. Inflorescence moderate to large. Spathe mostly
more than 9 cm long just prior to opening . . . . .
. . . . . . 4
2. Spathe in bud slender, long-slender-pedunculate,
conspicuously long-beaked (beak to 1/3 length of entire
spathe), opening with inside greenish white and conspicuously
glossy-waxy. Flowers with a membranous perigon of
fused tepals (i.e. flowers perigoniate).Trichosclereids
absent . . . . . . . Anadendrum
2a. Spathe in bud stout, short to long-pedunculate,
not conspicuously long-beaked, or if beak present
then less than 1/6 length of entire spathe, opening
with inside yellow, greenish or glistening white,
only moderately waxy. Individual flowers naked (i.e.
flowers aperigoniate); trichosclereids present (but
sparse in Amydrium). . . 3
Trichosclereids abundant (many ‘hairs’
apparent when a mature leaf lamina is torn). Plantterrestrial,
rheophytic. Leaf with petiole broadly canaliculate,
sheath margins scarious, extending to near apical
geniculum, leaf lamina stoutly coriaceous, oblong.
Spathe exceptionally thick . . . . . . . Scindapsus
3a. Trichosclereids sparse (very few ‘hairs’
apparent when a mature leaf lamina is torn). Plant
climbing or terrestrial and not rheophytic. Leaf
with petiole terete, sheath margins not scarious,
barely exceeding basal geniculum, leaf lamina rather
thin-textured, never oblong. Spathe not exceptionally
thick. If plant climbing then leaf lamina variously
pinnatifid and perforated . . . . . . . . . Amydrium
Trichosclereids sparse (very few ‘hairs’
apparent when a mature leaf lamina is torn). Higher
order venation completely reticulate. Ovary 1-locular,
placenta 1, intrusive-parietal, ovules 2 .
. . . . . . . Amydrium
4a. Trichosclereids abundant (many ‘hairs’
apparent when a mature leaf lamina is torn). Higher
order venation striate or reticulate . . . . .
. 5
Ovules solitary, placentation basal. Fruits
with a solitary seed . . Scindapsus
5a. Ovules 2--6 or more, placentation
parietal. Fruits with more than one seed .
. 6
Ovules 8>, superposed on 2 (rarely 3)
parietal placentas. Seeds many, ellipsoid,straight,
1.3--3.2 mm long, 0.6--1.0 mm wide; testa
brittle, smooth Rhaphidophora
6a. Ovules 2--4 (--6) at base of
a single intrusive placenta. Seeds few,
curved, 3--7 mm long, 1.5--4.0 mm wide;
testa bony and ornamented . . . . Epipremnum