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Arisaema triphyllum KeyDr. D. C. HuttlestonPosted March 14, 19961. Leaves usually glaucous beneath when mature; lateral leaflets strongly to moderately oblique or lobed; growing in moist, not wet, ground; flange at top of spathe tube only slightly reflexed, not rolled under. 2. Spathe blade broadly lanceolate to broadly ovate with acute to acuminate tip, usually marked with purple; spadix-appendix more than 3 mm (7/64") in diameter, straight, usually clavate. A. triphyllum ssp. triphyllum 2. Spathe blade oval with apiculate tip, unmarked green; spadix-appendix 2 mm (5/64")or less in diameter, cylindric, bent. A. triphyllum ssp. quinatum 1. Leaves never glaucous beneath; lateral leaflets slightly to moderately oblique, very rarely lobed; growing in swampy ground; flange at top of the spathe tube strongly reflexed and inrolled. 3. Spathe tube not strongly fluted; inside of spathe wholly purple or wholly green, rarely striped. A. triphyllum ssp. pusillum 3. Spathe tube strongly fluted; inside of spathe blade green with purple stripes mostly toward the base, rarely wholly green, never wholly purple. A. triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii
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