Arisaema amurense Maxim
It's easy to think of this species as the Asiatic counterpart to the North American A. triphyllum, except with five leaflets. Very hardy, easy to grow, early to emerge. Like A. triphyllum, it comes in all green versions, and ones with dark striped spathes. Native to the east coast of Asia, from Siberia, down through Korea, to China.
Click on the picture to see a larger image.
The green form of Arisaema amurense growing in a garden in New Zealand.
(Photo: Eric Walton)
The dark-striped form of Arisaema amurense growing in a garden in New Zealand.
(Photo: Eric Walton)
Arisaema amurense v. serratum.
(Photo: Unknown)
Arisaema amurense seeds.
Scale 4:1 at 72 dpi.
Arisaema amurense seed head, in situ.
Arisaema amurense seed head, in scanner.
The pictures below are of a plant that has been widely distributed as A. bockii by several seed exchanges.It is most likely a form of Arisaema amurense. Then again..... Make the comparison and see what you think.
Arisaema bockii growing in a garden in New York.
(Photo: Nina Lambert)
Arisaema bockii (inflorescence closeup).
(Photo: Nina Lambert)