Key D (b)
34b. Leaf blades with conspicuous, well developed posterior lobes.
44a. Blades about as broad as long.
45a. Leaf blades whitish-matte beneath; north central Oaxaca.......... A. nelsonii Croat '
45b. Leaf blades not whitish beneath.
46a. Tertiary veins prominently raised even on fresh leaves; leaf bladesusually less than 40 cm long; Veracruz and Oaxaca. ....... A. andicola Liebm.
46b. Tertiary veins not prominently raised on fresh material, weakly prom-inulous on drying; leaf blades variable in sixe; southeastern Chiapas and Guatemala.
47a. Blades less than 25 cm long, thin.... A. rionegrense Matuda
47b. Blades more than 40 cm long, subcoriaceous .... A. titanium Standl. & Steyerm.
44b. Blades substantially longer than broad.
48a. Lower blade surface matte, drying whitish; north central Oaxaca....... A. nelsonii Croat
48b. Lower blade surface not conspicuously matte and whitish.
49a. Blade with the anterior lobe conspicuously concave along the margin; southwestern Chiapas............... A. cerrobaulense Matuda
49b. Blade with the anterior lobe usually convex along the margin.
50a. Blades with the tertiary veins prominently raised even on fresh leaves; Veracruz and Oaxaca... A. andicola Liebm.
50b. Blades with the tertiary veins not prominently raised on fresh leaves, weakly prominulous on drying.
5la. Blades ovate-triangular (ovate in A. subcordatum), the posterior lobes poorly developed, usually rounded, the collective vein always arising from the first basal vein, the second basal vein only rarely loop-connected to the collective vein, usually merging with the margin well below the middle of the blade, the sinus usually broad, usually parabolic or arcuate; northern and southeastern Chiapas and northern Oaxaca.
52a. Blades ovate-triangular.
53a. Major veins of the blade and apex of the petiole reddish; Sierra de Juare/ in northern Oaxaca.... A. subovatum Matuda
53b. Major veins of the blade and the apex of the petiole green; northern and southeastern Chiapas.... A. chamulense Matuda ssp. chamulense
52b. Blades ovate.
54a. Spathe ovate to narrowly ovate; berries or ange (?); Honduras on Cerro Santa Barbara (Dcpt. Santa Barbara). .......................... A. subcordatum ssp. chlorocardium (Standl. & L. 0. Wms.) Croat
54b. Spathe lanceolate (rarely narrowly ovate);berries bright red; western Guatemala to El Salvador and Honduras along the Continental Divide. ....................... A. subcordatum Schott ssp. subcordatum
51 b. Blades ovate to narrowly ovate or ovate-triangular; posterior lobes usually well developed, often longer than broad (except in A. rzedowskii), often curved inward; collective vein sometimes arising from one of the primary lateral veins, the second basal vein often loop-connected to the collective vein, usually merging with the margin well above the middle of the blade, the sinus hippocrep-iform to spathulate, sometimes parabolic, rarely arcuate; Guerrero, Oaxaca or southeastern Chiapas to Guatemala.
55a. Blades coriaceous, the margins not markedly undulate; petioles not glaucous; frequently with a secondary collective vein extending irregularly along the margin to the apex or nearly to the apex; Gucr-* rero, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. .................... A. rzedowskii Croat
55b. Blades subcoriaceous to medium thick, usually markedly undulate (except A. titanium); petioles usually glaucous.
56a. Blades broadly ovate to rounded in outline, the margin of the anterior lobe convex; spadix usually more than 17 cm long. .......................... A. titanium Standl. & Steycrm.
56b. Blades ovate-triangular to narrowly ovate, the margins of the anterior lobe more or less straight; spadix usually less than 20 cm long.
57a. Blades ovate-triangular; major veins of the lower surface prominently elevated when dry; spathe lanceolate, usually about as long as the spadix; southeastern Chiapas. ................................ A. cordatotriangutum Matuda
57b. Blades broadly to narrowly ovate; major veins of the lower surface not prominently elevated on drying; spathe ovate, usually much shorter than the spadix; southeastern Chiapas to Guatemala. ............................................. A. montanum Hemsl.
33b. Petioles terete or subtcrete.
58a. Peduncles usually less than one-third as long as longest petioles. If not
59a. Spadix dark purple.
60a. Leaves coriaceous, glossy; endemic to Sierra de Juarcz, 2,400-2,800 m......... A. cerropelonense Matuda
60b. Leaves subcoriaceous, semiglossy; Lancetilla Valley, ca. 300 m....... A. lancetillense Croat
59b. Spadix green, white or lavender; leaves subcoriaceous.
6 la. Spadix green; cataphylls dilaceraling; peduncle less than 10 cm long; endemic to Central Guatemala, 1,500-2,000 m or to northern Oaxaca, 600-1,500m.
62a. Spathe broadly lanceolate, more than 2.5 times longer than broad, rounded to acute at the base; spadix more than 5 limes longer than broad, markedly tapered toward the apex; endemic to northern Oaxaca. .......................... A. yetlense Matuda
62b. Spathe broadly ovate, less than 1.5 times longer than broad, usually cordate at the base; spadix less than 4 times longer than broad, scarcely tapered toward the apex; endemic to central Guatemala............................................ A. silvigaudens Standl. & Steycrm.
61b. Spadix white to lavender; cataphylls remaining intact; peduncles 21-39 cmlong; Chiapas to Nicaragua. .............. A. huixtlense Matuda
58.bPeduncles more than half as long as longest petioles.
63a. Upper blade surface papillate (with the epidermal cells cone-like) or alveolate; fresh leaves usually conspicuously velvety; Mexico.
64a. Leaf blades with veins conspicuously paler than the surface; primary lateral veins not conspicuously more prominent when dry than the interprimary and tertiary veins; epidermal cells of leaf blade drying minutely alveolate (honey-combed). ............................. A. lezamae Matuda
64b. Leaf blades with veins conspicuously paler than the blade surface; primary lateral veins conspicuously more prominent when dry than the interprimary and tertiary veins; epidermal cells obviously papillate with individual cells obviously raised, cone-like.
65a. Leaf blades almost as broad as long, the sinus closed or very narrow; basal veins free or, if united into a posterior rib, the rib not marginal to the sinus..... A. clarinervium Matuda
65b. Leaf blades conspicuously longer than broad, the sinus obovate or hippocrepiform; basal veins united into a conspicuous, naked (i.e., marginal to the sinus) posterior rib..... A. leuconeurum Lem.
63b. Upper blade surface smooth, not minutely papillate (the epidermal cells not raised and cone-like) or alveolate (with a raised, net-like reticulum); fresh leaves glossy or matte but not velvety; Mexico and Middle America.
66a. Posterior lobes longer than the anterior lobe. ............. A. berriozahalense Matuda
66b. Posterior lobes not longer than the anterior lobe.
67a. Cataphylls remaining intact, usually reddish-brown, conspicuous; leaf blades with raphide cells usually visible on upper surface.
68a. Spadix at anthesis with the tepals turned upward on the inner margin to give the spadix a distinctly bumpy surface, the color pale reddish-violet, the stipe usually conspicuous, often curved, the spathe ovate-oblong, white; southwestern Guatemala............ A. armeniense Croat
68b. Spadix at anthesis with tepals not conspicuously upturned, the spadix relatively smooth, rose-violet to lavender or cream, the stipe absent or short, not both elongate and curved; widespread from Chiapas to western Nicaragua. ...................... A. huixtlense Matuda
67b. Cataphylls usually weathering into fibers or deciduous; leaf blades usually lacking raphide cells.
69a. Inflorescences nodding with spathe hooding spadix; endemic to Nicaragua on limestone outcrops....... A. beltianum Standl. & L. 0. Wms.
69b. Inflorescences not typically nodding with spathe hooding spadix.
70a. Plants occurring above 2,000 m elevation. If not
7la. Second pair of basal veins (counting from the midrib) joining leaf margins below the middle of the blade.
72a. Sinus of leaf broad, shallow, arcuate; petioles not glaucous; leaf margins not undulate; blade coriaceous; principally northern Chiapas. ................ A. chamulense Matuda
72b. Sinus usually narrow, deep, hippocrepiform to parabolic; petioles glaucous; blades subcoriaceous with undulate margins; south-eastern Chiapas to Guatemala........................................ A. montanum Hem sl.
71b. Second pair of basal veins joining leaf margin well above middle of leaf blade.
73a. Leaf blades broadly ovate, nearly as broad as long; spadix dark purple at anthesis; endemic to Sierra de Juarez in northern Oaxaca, 2,400-2,800 m...,........... A. cerropelonense Matuda
73b. Leaf blades narrowly ovate to ovate or ovate-triangular, longer than broad; spadix green or green tinged with purple.
74a. Petioles glaucous; sinus usually spathu-late to hippocrepiform, rarely parabolic; southeastern Oaxaca to Guatemala, 1,200-2,900 m. ............. A. montanum Hemsl.
74b. Petioles not glaucous; sinus usually arcuate to parabolic, rarely spathulate; Guerrero, northern Oaxaca and Chiapas, 1,400-2,900 m. ..... A. rzedowskii Croat
70b. Plants occurring below 2,000 m.
75a. Leaf blades not coriaceous. If not
76a. Leaf blades ovate-triangular, nearly as broad as long; rare, known only from an area near the border of Oaxaca and Chiapas...................................................... A. rionegrense Matuda
76b. Leaf blades ovate, longer than broad.
77a. Spadix green at anthesis, sometimes tinged with purple; petioles weakly glaucous (except A. rzedowskii).
78a. Blades frequently with a secondary collective vein extending irregularly along the margin to the apex or nearly to the apex; Guer-rero, Oaxaca, and Chiapas............................... A. rzedowskii Croat
78b. Blades lacking a secondary collective vein extending irregularly along the margin to the apex or nearly to the apex; Guerrcro, Oaxaca, and Chiapas.
79a. Leaf blades with margins flat to broadly undulate; southeastern Chiapas and southwestern Guatemala, 1,200-2,900 m. ...... A. montanum Hemsl.
79b. Leaf blades with margins minutely undulate to sub-crispate; endemic to southern Oaxaca and Chiapas, È 800-1,600 m. .................... A. ovandense Matuda
77b. Spadix dark purple at anthesis; petioles usually not glaucous.
80a. Inflorescences noticeably shorter than the leaves; Honduras, near sea level. ................ A. lancetillense Croat
80b. Inflorescences nearly as long as or longer than leaves; Mexico and Guatemala, 800-2,900 m. 8 la. Leaf margins flat to slightly undulate, the anterior lobe with its margins straight to slightly convex; northern Oaxaca, 1,200-1,800 m. ............ A. umbrosum Liebm.
81 b. Leaf margins usually markedly undulate; anterior lobe with at least one margin often concave; southwestern Chiapas to Guatemala, 1,200-2,900 m...................... A. montanum Hemsl.
82a. Collective vein arising from one of the lowerbasal veins, extending along margin from near apex of posterior lobe to apex of anterior lobe; eastern Mexico to central Chiapas to west central Guatemala, 700-1,900 m .A seleri Engl.
82b. Collective vein arising from one of the upper basal veins, usually extending along only part of the margin of the anterior lobe, sometimes loop-connected to lower basal veins.
83a. Sinus relatively shallow, usually arcuate with posterior lobes relatively short, never narrow; southeastern Chiapas to Oaxaca, 1,500-3,000 m....... .......... A. chamulense Matuda
83b. Sinus deep, spathulate to hippocrepi-form or parabolic, the posterior lobes often elongate, sometimes longer than broad.
84a. Posterior lobes (at least on well developed leaves) elongate, two or more times longer than broad; anterior lobe usually markedly concave; petioles not glaucous; southwestern Chiapas. ............................. A. cerrobaulense Matuda
84b. Posterior lobes broadly rounded to elongate but less than 1.5 times longer than broad; anterior lobe convex to sometimes weakly concave; petioles weakly glaucous; southeastern Chiapas to south central Guatemala. ................. A. montanum Hemsl.