Stems usually with the cataphylis deciduous or weathering into a mass of
fibers, sometimes persisting intact; leaf blades usually thick, the minor
veins conspicuous or not; upper blade surface usually lacking visible
raphide cells; spathe usually curved forward and somewhat hooding the
spadix; spadix with tepals various but not usually thickened and glossy.
section Belolonchium
I. TETRASPERMIUM Schott (Fig. 1-3)
This small section consists of plants which are usually somewhat scandent with slender
stems and generally long internodes (Fig. 2 & 3). The cataphylls are usually thin and
decompose but persist at least at the terminal nodes (Fig. 1 & 3). Leaf blades are generally
more or less elliptic and acute at the base usually with numerous primary lateral veins. One or
both surfaces of the blade are conspicuously glandular-punctate (with dark dots). The spadix is
usually small (generally short) and the berries have 4 or more seeds. The best example of the
section is the very common Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl. which ranges throughout the
American tropics. The section Tetraspermium is uniquely based on 2N = 24, except for A.
tonduzii Engl. with 2N = 30. Polyploid is a prominent feature of A. scandens of 2N = 24, 48,
84 and for A. trinerve Miq. of 2N = 24 found in Central America and 2N = 30 found in Surinam.
The section Tetrspermium appears to be a very natural section but is one of the smallest
with probably fewer than eight species. Sheffer and Kamemoto (1976) attempted numerous
interspecific hybridizations using A. scandens and A. trinerve as pollen parents, but none has
resulted in hybrids. Due to the unique chromosome number, the inability of A. scandens and
A. trinerve to form hybrids with other Anthurium species would be anticipated. Anthurium
scandens and A. trinerve cannot easily be used as maternal parents, since they are apparently
self-pollinating or apomictic (i.e., capable of producing seed without any form of fertilization
or sexual union).
II. GYMNOPODIUM Engl. (See Exotica 3, P. 132)
This section is based on a single rare species from western Cuba, Anthurium gynnopus
Griseb., and is characterized by its somewhat scandent habit, elongate internodes, deciduous
cataphylls and subcoriaceous, suborbicular leaf blades. It is also characterized by its long
inflorescence with a long-stipitate spadix. The most important character is that the berries