What has been said above
about temperatures holds true for some 98 percent of the species. A notable
exception is A. kiusianus from southern Japan. This species
does not appreciate particularly high temperatures in cultivation and
the leaf dies back quickly when the temperature rises well above 25 oC.
Similarly, A. konjac seems to thrive best between 20 oC
and 25 oC, although it is more resistant than A. kiusianus.
Amorphophallus bulbifer seems to tolerate a rather large
range of temperature and thrives well between 15 oC and 30
Roughly there are two types of soil needed. Both should be rich in organic
matter and trace elements, but one must be well-drained and must not contain
loam, while the other may be heavier and enriched with loam. This division
corresponds roughly with the two major climatic preferences of Amorphophallus
species. Those of strongly seasonal climates can be grown in the heavier
soil. This includes all species with elongate tubers, and those from Africa,
China, Japan, India, Thailand, Indochina, the Philippines, Java (but not
all!), eastern Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia. Also, all three Asian
species with a large geographical distribution are used to such soils
(A. muelleri, A. paeoniifolius and A.
prainii). For easy reference this large group of species will hereafter
be referred to as "Group I". Group II comprises nearly all species
from Sumatra, Borneo (= Kalimantan, Sarawak, Sabah, and Brunei) and West
Malaysia with the exception of the earlier mentioned widespread ones.
Group II species must be kept in a well drained soil because their roots
only survive long enough to do their job in a well aerated soil. When
the soil becomes too dense (through excess water or too much loam) the
roots will rot. The trouble is that the leaf does not die down but keeps
on living, supported by energy from the tuber, which will finally be depleted,
becomes weak and suddenly starts rotting. When the leaf then suddenly
tips over, all (or most) is lost. Both groups require a rich soil, especially
in trace elements, which may be added with a fertilizer (see below), and
organic matter. Thus far, adding limestone has not proven to be mandatory
for any of the species, not even those from limestone regions. However,
since lime (e.g. dolomite) has a high content of trace elements, adding
it to the soil is an improvement.
Group I species, when grown in a rich and heavy soil, do not need fertilizer
very frequently, i.e. once in a month may be more than enough. Group II
species however must be fed extra when the soil is indeed loose and contains
only organic matter. However, do not give a concentration any higher than
what is recommended for the fertilizer. Excess fertilizer may well kill
off all roots. The ideal fertilizer is one with a high phosphate content
(e.g. 15-30-15), which stimulates tuber growth. In the end the health
of an Amorphophallus is measured by the increase of the size of the tuber
every season, especially in young to submature plants. The tuber may increase
its weight threefold per season.
The top of an Amorphophallus tuber must always be well below the
soil surface, since the roots emerge from the top and must secure the
tuber to carry the long leaf or inflorescence. For this purpose the first
roots grow very fast and horizontal. After they have reached full length,
they start contracting and so secure and stabilize the tuber and the developing
leaf. This is necessary because the developing leaf depletes most or all
of the old tuber, so its base tends to "hang loose" in an empty
hole where the tuber first was. This entire structure is very unstable
and has a great need for the contractile roots. Those species producing
elongate tubers need very deep pots to accommodate the strong vertical
growth. When the pot is not deep enough, the base of the tuber will get
cramped against the bottom and become deformed. This however does not
usually impair the health of the tuber. The only problem may be that excess
water that is often found in the bottom of the pot may cause local rotting
of parts of the tuber base. The diameter of the pot must be at least twice
that of the tuber that is planted, for obvious reasons.
Species of Group I are quite resistant to excess water with the exception
of those with elongate tubers. The latter species usually show slight
superficial rot, even when they have not been overwatered. These small
spots usually dry well when the tuber is taken out during dormancy. When
the spots are large, they may be scraped off superficially and inspected
for deeper rot. Group I species are also quite resistant to dry conditions
and they will stand neglect fairly well for a longer period (to ca. 3
weeks). Group II species are sensitive to excess water which is why they
need to be grown in very well-drained soils. Since most roots of Amorphophallus
plants amass in the bottom of the pot, the soil there must be especially
well prepared to transport water. Do not use a thick layer of coarse grit
because then the roots will be unable to extract water and nutrients and
will subsequently die. Adding bark to the bottom layer of the soil is
a useful alternative.
Except for a few evergreen species (e.g. A. arnautovii,
A. pingbianensis), all Amorphophallus have a dormancy
period in nature. All species of Group I show the strongest tendency to
dormancy in cultivation, while those of Group II may on occasion skip
dormancy altogether, but not as a rule. Dormancy may take place in two
parts of a species' growing cycle. When a leaf dies down after a regular
growing season the tuber will invariably take a resting period. This period
may take 3 to 7 months, depending on the species, after which a leaf may
emerge. When the plant is mature enough to flower the resting period is
usually considerably shorter and may take no longer than a month or even
less at times. During this "after leaf" dormancy, tubers of
Group I species can be stored dry but not seedling tubers or thin rhizomatous
offsets. Group II tubers must be left in the soil because they are usually
prone to desiccation. A second type of dormancy may set in after flowering.
This only holds true for non- evergreen Asian species, which in nature
invariably refuse to develop a leaf after flowering and effective pollination.
Therefore, of these species fruiting plants are never found with leaves.
In cultivation a similar behavior is observed with most species. But sometimes,
when the inflorescence is taken off, a plant may develop a leaf after
all. Since this behaviour cannot be predicted, the tuber is best left
in the soil after the withered inflorescence has been removed. Watering
must be lessened and the pot must be well observed for renewed growth.
If this happens, the plant must be watered as usual; if not, it must be
left to dry out until the next season. African species all develop a leaf
in the same season as flowering, with or without pollination and fruit
set. Most develop a leaf shoot directly alongside the peduncle, others
take a short resting period. This leads to an important warning: when
the old inflorescence of an African species is cut away, be sure not to
cut the new leaf shoot which may be very close to the peduncle! Remove
the cataphylls first to locate the new shoot before cutting the peduncle.
The African Savannah species pose a special problem (e.g. A. aphyllus,
A. dracontioides) because it seems that they need a special
treatment during dormancy. So far none of these species have been brought
to flower, even though plants have reached full size. Probably they need
extra heat during resting, imitating the harsh conditions on the savanna
during the dry period.
Propagation: Most Group I species readily produce offsets every
year of vegetative growth. These offsets may still be attached to the
main tuber and should be severed when the mother tuber is replanted for
a new season. In other species the offsets are already loose when the
plant is dug up after a season's growth. Usually less than 100 percent
of the offsets grow into new plants. There is always a percentage of inert
offsets that may linger on for years without sprouting and finally die.
Every once in a while however, such a latent offset may start growing
again, so never throw offsets away until they are definitely dead. Keep
slim, rhizomatous offsets in soil during resting (e.g. A. hohenackeri,
A. krausei). Offsets that are left on the main tuber will
usually not develop into new plants but are often (though not always)
devoured when the tuber dissolves to nourish the developing leaf. Some
species produce bulbils on the leaves. These are of two main types. One
type is produced entirely on the surface of branching points of the leaf
(epiphyllar bulbil, e.g. in A. bulbifer and A. muelleri).
The other type is formed when the entire branching point of a leaf transforms
into a bulbil and is dislodged when the leaf rots away (intercalary bulbil,
e.g. in A. angulatus, A. manta, and A.
sparsiflorus). A third type has been found only in A. yuloensis,
which is half epiphyllar and half intercalary. Some species produce seed
vegetatively, without pollination (apomictic seed). These are A.
bulbifer, A. muelleri and A. kiusianus.
The first two species exhibit a genome with 39 chromosomes and can thus
not form normal haploid gametes for sexual reproduction. Vegetative propagation
through tissue culture
has succeeded in several occasions as witnessed by the literature. Cell
suspensions have been prepared from tuber parts as well as from leaf parts
(e.g. in A. titanum). The authors have no first-hand experience
with this process.
Propagation: Pollinating plants of different clones in cultivation
is usually successful. The pollen must be put on the stigmas on the first
day of flowering, as early as possible. The stigmas are very sticky and
no pollen will fall off. On the day that pollen is released the stigmas
are no longer receptive to pollen. Pollination within one and the same
clone has been successful in a limited number of cases (e.g. with A.
atroviridis, personal communication with J. Banta) but usually
leads to only very partial seed-set (two selfings in A. curvistylis yielded
only three viable seeds). Hybrids between different species have been
raised in Leiden but not released to the public because of fear of spreading
unnatural variation into existing collections, which may lead to taxonomic
misnomers. The successful crosses were: A. longituberosus
x albispathus, and A. odoratus x yunnanensis.
from Seed: Fresh seed
of Amorphophallus usually germinates quickly (between one and three
weeks). Notable exceptions so far observed are A. henryi
and A. kiusianus. The seeds may be taken from the flesh
of the berries but must then not be stored dry. The seed coat of Amorphophallus
is rather thin and there is no endosperm layer to protect the embryo from
desiccation. The first leaf is already three- or five-parted (in A.
prainii often to 7-parted) and soon new leaves will emerge. This
may go on for more than a year before the first real resting period starts.
The young tubers are best left in the soil until they are bigger and more
resistant to drought (only Group I tubers may be stored dry!). Sow the
seeds in a typical sowing-soil (poor in nutrients and slightly acidic).
Difficult seeds may be forced to germinate in sphagnum. Once dry, Amorphophallus
seeds cannot be rehydrated successfully.
The two major primary pests of Amorphophallus in cultivation are
nematodes and root mealy bugs. Root mealy bugs are similar in appearance
to mealy bugs and they are very resistant to most superficial chemical
pesticides. No biological control mechanism yet exists. Therefore, the
best method is using a systemic pesticide with a broad activity spectrum.
Unfortunately such pesticides are usually rather unhealthy for humans.
The most effective has proven to be Temik, as well as the partially systemic
pesticide Vydate, but must be given in small doses because leaf damage
may occur. Both pesticides can also be used preventively. Nematodes can
only be effectively fought off with strong methods like using Temik. The
infections are easily recognized in their early stages as small to medium-sized,
hemispheric warts/bumps on the tuber surface, not associated with root
scars or accessory buds. When cut, they show a dirty pale grayish center,
consisting of cells that are greatly enlarged and contain a great amount
of water. In the middle of this bump resides the female nematode filled
with young specimens. The female nematode is dissolved and releases the
young ones, who feed on the watery tissue of the bump. After this, the
bump implodes and becomes a crater, which is attacked by other secondary
pests (acarids, fungi, bacteria). The released nematodes reinfect the
newly developing tuber and destroy it, or damage it beyond rescue. All
bumps on an infected tuber must be cut away and the tuber then put in
a Temik solution. After that it must be left to dry and must be regularly
inspected for desiccation or new infections. When planted, the soil must
be mixed with Temik before planting. This treatment must be repeated for
two or three seasons, after which the infection is usually conquered.
Do not make an effort to save an individual of a species of which you
have enough duplicates. Better to throw the infected tuber away. Heavily
infected tubers show large craters and rotting parts. When the top of
the tuber is still intact, it may be saved. When the top is gone and there
are no accessory buds, the tuber is beyond rescue. A heavily infected
tuber must be cleaned and the largest scars sealed with a fungicide (e.g.
Topsin) in order to prevent infection and desiccation. Tubers that have
been in wet soil too long may start rotting at the base of the roots.
This type of rot spreads through the tuber with tremendous speed and is
usually detected too late. Cut away all rotting parts, seal off with Topsin
and pray! The same holds for occasional bacterial infections. These are
recognized by the flesh of the tuber turning into a slimy substance. Cut
away the bad parts and treat the scars with a bactericide. When the scar
becomes dry, seal off with Topsin. Prevention is the rule in controlling
pests in Amorphophallus. It is therefore recommended that tubers always
be inspected for pests after the growing season. Be sure to put tubers
of Group II species back in the soil after examination.