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Krzystof Kozminski's Aroid Pages Archive is presented by the International Aroid Society |
Amorphophallus bulbifer inflorescence |
This is a series of pictures of the same specimen,
taken over the period of about six weeks, with a follow-up three months
later. Sadly enough, in spring 1997, the tuber has been found rather badly
decomposed but with an offset.
Other pages with this species:
At this point, the inflorescence has been emerging for about three weeks

Two weeks later, the spadix finally shows.
Another week gone, and the inflorescence is spreading a delightful fragrance,
resembling the smell of dirty socks, liberally sprinkled with rancid limburger
cheese (and then worn while hiking the entire Appalachian Trail without taking your shoes off). This lasted for about two-three days. The onset of the stench has
been very rapid: at 7 am, it could be smelled only by sticking one's nose
into the spathe. At 7:30, noticeable from several feet away. In the afternoon,
and the next day, the vicinity has been enjoyed mostly by flies.

A week after the smelly phase, the inflorescence is quite pretty...
Three weeks after the smelly phase, the inflorescence is shriveled and

Three months later, it seems that the plant intends to produce
some seeds. Not much else has happened with it; about two months earlier
it appeared that it was going to produce a leaf, but the emerging tip stopped
at 1/2 inch above the surfacce and has not progressed since.
Other pages with this species:
All photos Copyright © 1996 Krzysztof Kozminski