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Krzystof Kozminski's Aroid Pages Archive is presented by the International Aroid Society |
| The idea of this page is to gather various links to WWW pages concerned with
aroid genera and species. |
Contents of this page
The Most Important Link:
Home page of the International Aroid Society.
Links to KK's pages with Araceae Species
Aroid closeups with Kodak DC-120
Starting from June, 1997, most of the photos on these pages were taken
with a digital camera DC-120 from Kodak. A summary
of the personal experiences with this camera has become a subject of
a separate page.
Other People's Aroid Pages
Institutional Aroid Pages
Utrecht Univeristy Botanical Garden's Arisaema
page. A growing number of photos.
Recent Additions to KK's Araceae Pages
Nov 21, 1997
Sept 13, 1997
Aug 30, 1997
Aug 10, 1997
July 10, 1997
July 9, 1997
June 21, 1997
June 13, 1997
Many additions. To reduce the time spent on the maintenance of these pages
I have hacked up an Itcl script to generate and cross-link all my pages
nearly fully automatically. Hence, plenty of additions.
- A page with unknown aroids - I have no clue as to what
they are.(6/13/97)
Plenty of new genera pages, some transferred from my old site, some new
(see the full list above). The new species, never before
seen in my pages, are: Alocasia californica,
unknown variegated alocasia,
Arisaema heterophyllum, Arisaema
speciosum, unidentified Arum seedling,
unidentified white-leaved Caladium,
Caladium schomburgkii, Pinellia
pedatisecta, Typhonium giganteum,
Xanthosoma violaceum, and Zantedeschia
April 20, 1997
April 19, 1997
April 18, 1997
March 23, 1997
March 21, 1997
March 20, 1997