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  Re: 'Self-heading' Philodendrons.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.09.05 at 15:23:14(7350)
Dear Neil,

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply---do you remember HOW the plant
you saw in the Singapore Bot. Gardens was being grown, and did you take any
photographs?? As you may know there is a larger but very simular species
of 'self header', P. goeldii, that is fairly common in cultvation, and is
also easy to grow, and so wonder if the plant you saw might not have been
this more common (in cultivation) species.
You would have read by now Eduardo`s comments on the placement of the two
other species, they are not in the Meconostigma group. If you`d like to
see photographs of one and illus. of both, check the article I mention in a
recent issue of Aroideana, they are VERY beautiful plants! I am still
confused by one of the illus. of the fruit of a true 'self-header',
P.uliginosum, which is shown in that article.
Thanks for taking the time to reply!



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