IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] Konjac is coming!
From: Don Martinson <llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2016.02.03 at 18:48:11(23561)
Dear Skip,

I think that most of our members will agree that what you are seeing is a blooming stalk and with proper support, the corm can be completely dry and at ambient temperature and it will bloom as normal. Only after the bloom has finished and the stalk withered will the corm want to put out roots (they’ll sprout from around the top) and grow. It’s only then that you’ll want to plant the comb, hopefully in it’s final position for the year. When the flower stalk comes off, you see a small, pink sprout underneath, which will be the leaf stalk to come. Other members may have slightly different techniques, but this has always worked for me.

Good Luck and Hold Your Nose!

-- Don Martinson🌿



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