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  Best potting medium for anthurium wagenerianum?
From: Rosalind Gold <rozgold at pacbell.net> on 2018.11.04 at 18:37:49(24118)

The Huntington Botanical Gardens in Southern California had a plant sale, and on a whim, I purchased an anthurium wagenerianum xself plant. When I looked into replanting it, it seemed like it has roots that resembles those of orchids, and the pot it was in was filled with orchid bark.

My plant does resemble the one that Dylan Hannon donated to the auction for the 2018 International Aroid Society show, but it's hard to tell what kind of medium that plant is in. Bottom line - does my plant need to stay in orchid bark? Or can it grow in potting soil that has good drainage?

On a separate note, I'd be curious to find out how much the plant Dylan donated went for in the auction - I hope this isn't considered a tacky question - just curiosity on my part.

Thanks in advance!

-Roz in Southern California



From: Hannon <othonna at gmail.com> on 2018.11.04 at 20:16:36(24119)
Hi Roz,

Your A. wagenerianum does not require bark but it enjoys sharp drainage. I grow it in pumice also. Keep pot-bound and grow in bright light. It's a great little compact plant from hot dry areas in northern coastal Venezuela. It should never need more than a 5" or 6" pot. The rhizome creeps out of the pot eventually.





From: Rosalind Gold <rozgold at pacbell.net> on 2018.11.05 at 21:28:59(24121)

Thanks so much - this is very helpful.

-Roz, in SoCal



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