On 10/5/2015 6:22 PM, Nancy Greig
Hello fellow
aroid lovers.? Please see the attached photograph.? Have any
of you seen this happen before?? This is ?Lois? ? our
Amorphophallus titanum that bloomed a few summers ago
? but has since had some setbacks (part of the corm rotted
so it is still smaller than when it produced an
inflorescence).? It has become quite irregular in when it
sends up a new leaf ? it certainly is not on an annual cycle
? and this time, when the leaf died back recently, the top
part yellowed and fell off and we found a new sprout already
growing up inside the petiole of the old leaf! (see photo)?
?Usually the leaf dies back completely, and the corm has a
dormant period of a few months.
What would make
this happen?? Too much water at the wrong time?? Something
else?? What should we do?? Any advice would be appreciated!?
We would love to have our plant bloom again, but at this
rate?I?m not optimistic!
Thank you for
any feedback,
Nancy Greig
Director, Cockrell
Butterfly Center
Houston Museum of Natural
5555?Hermann Park Drive
Houston, TX? 77030-1799
Tel 713-639-4742
From: Soni Holladay
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 4:53 PM
To: Nancy Greig
Subject: Re: Lois
Here you go!
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE
------ Original message------
Nancy Greig
Mon, Oct 5,
2015 4:44 PM
Soni Holladay;
Hi Soni ? can you please email me that
photo you took of Lois?s new sprout inside the old
petiole?? I want to send it to the Aroid Society listserve
to see what people say about it.
Also, if you notice some ribbon hanging
in the center it is a test to see if it will stay curled.?
Don?t water it please!
Nancy Greig
Director, Cockrell Butterfly Center
Houston Museum of Natural Science
5555?Hermann Park Drive
Houston, TX?
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