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  Is there any species of Aroid which can have a difference
From: Adhitia Pratama <adhit_bioui06 at yahoo.de> on 2011.05.03 at 05:42:12(22041)
Dear Tony,

I have a study on Amorphophallus variabilis Blum. pollination in Indonesia. The sample taken from urban forest in Univesity of Indonesia. My data shown the difference phenology between the previous study. The previous study was conducted 7 years ago. The sample of previous study was taken from plantation, while my study was taken from urban forest.

The previous study shown, 70 % of pollination happened from cross pollination, while my study shown about 80 % of pollination happened from self pollination. The difference was caused by the difference phenology. I think the phenology difference was caused by the environmental, climatic, and pollinator differences. Is there any
species of Aroid which can have a difference phenology at the same species?

Thank You,

Best Regards

Adhitia Pratama

Biology Departement



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