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  Do green spathes assimilate?
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2011.04.19 at 20:58:59(22033)

Many aroids have green spathes and usually they are the tallest parts of the plants.

In deep shade in forests spathes are often green, olive-green, brown, it indicates the presence of chlorophyll.

Some other aroids' spathes turn green as the flowers become pollinated (like Spathiphyllum).

Do the green spathes play a role in assimilation?




From: "J. Agoston" <agoston.janos123 at gmail.com> on 2011.04.20 at 07:13:37(22034)
My opinion is yes. More green, more assimilates, better ripening.




From: Scott Hyndman <hyndman at aroid.org> on 2011.04.20 at 12:47:51(22036)
Hello Marek,

By assimilation I am assuming you mean photosynthesis. Using the example of Spathiphyllum, since the spathe is a modified leaf, it most certainly does produce photosynthate for the overall metabolism of the plant once the spathe becomes green, usually with age and/or after pollination. Even the pollinated spadix that greens up after pollination with support photosynthesis, although maybe not as efficiently as the leaves. Where there is chlorophyll there is photosynthesis.

Regards, Scott



From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2011.04.21 at 16:07:24(22038)
I also think that the immature infructescences of many Arisaema species, when they lay on the ground detached from the mother plant, still green, they become a kind of individual organism and the chlorophyll in the berries makes the fruits ripen and the seeds become viable. What do you think about this phenomenon?




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