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  Amophophallus titanum at the Houston Museum of
From: "Weaver, Bill" <bill.weaver at hp.com> on 2010.07.23 at 01:42:27(21235)
My experience has been that the most intense odor is during the morning of its opening.
(They generally start to open in the evening and reach peak stink the morning thereafter)

-----Original Message-----

From: "Nancy Greig" <ngreig at hmns.org> on 2010.07.23 at 06:25:13(21236)
Bill et al.
Thank you! The odor is getting stronger, and does sort of come and go,
but it is certainly not anything like I've been led to expect yet. It
reminds me of a Stapelia now...not a particularly potent one either. So
good to know that there is more in store!

People seem to be quite taken with the "Stinkometer" - and surely it
must be useful for people watching the webcam...

Thanks again for the good input. Now I'm going home to bed so I can
come back to - I hope - a stronger odor in the morning!

From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2010.07.23 at 12:28:34(21240)
Thanks Bill. This one began opening yesterday morning and was lopsided
all day long. Finally about midnight it began to become more
symmetrical and this morning is nicely rounded. The pheromones did not
begin to fully release until well into the early morning and this
morning one of the caretakers was wearing a gas mask. It must be at or
near peak now.

They had people paying to see it all night long!


From: "Nancy Greig" <ngreig at hmns.org> on 2010.07.24 at 01:29:24(21245)
Bill - you were right about the timing of the odor - but I did not think
that the intensity was all that intense (unless the peak was between 2
am and about 8 am). The masks used by a couple people were mostly an
exaggeration for the benefit of the media! It was a bit funky in the
room, and indeed there were stronger whiffs occasionally - but it was
quite bearable...and except for the odd remnant of odor the scent is all
dissapated now.


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