IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  March 2010 IAS Newsletter now available
From: "Carla Kostelac" <Carla.Kostelac at mobot.org> on 2010.03.10 at 15:15:18(20732)
Hello, IAS Members,

The first IAS Newsletter of 2010, Vol. 32, No. 1, is now available.
There are many interesting and informative articles in this issue, from
Elephant Ears to introducing new and upcoming aroiders. You will even
find some great ideas on how to strengthen the IAS by recruiting more
members to our Society, as well as read reports on past and future IAS
chapter meetings.

Thanks to everyone for their participation in the Newsletter content as
well as those behind the scenes in 2010's first issue. Please be
thinking about what you would like to contribute in later issues this
year. We appreciate and encourage your continued support!

Please note: For those folks who opted out of receiving the newsletter
announcement e-mails and expected to receive the Newsletter but did not,
please contact Albert Huntington at: huntington@aroid.org.

Thanks and best wishes,

Carla Kostelac

From: "Carla Kostelac" <Carla.Kostelac at mobot.org> on 2010.03.10 at 15:15:18(20733)
Hello, IAS Members,

The first IAS Newsletter of 2010, Vol. 32, No. 1, is nowavailable. There are many interesting and informative articles in this issue,from Elephant Ears to introducing new and upcoming aroiders. You will even findsome great ideas on how to strengthen the IAS by recruiting more members to ourSociety, as well as read reports on past and future IAS chapter meetings.

Thanks to everyone for their participation in theNewsletter content as well as those behind the scenes in 2010’s firstissue. Please be thinking about what you would like to contribute in laterissues this year. We appreciate and encourage your continued support!

Please note: For those folks whoopted out of receiving the newsletter announcement e-mails and expected toreceive the Newsletter but did not, please contact Albert Huntington at: huntington@aroid.org.

Thanks and best wishes,

Carla Kostelac

IAS Newsletter Editor

Carla V. Kostelac



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