From: "Jon Y. Suzuki" <jsuzuki at> on 1970.01.01 at 00:00:00(20539)
Hi everyone,
I would like to take the advice of Dr. Tom Croat and elaborate a little more about what and why I am interested in obtaining some Anthurium species.
I have two interests in relation to Anthurium species. One is the genetic relationships of anthurium species commonly used for commercial hybridization for which I need live leaf material from bona fide sources. If they can be shipped to me quickly in the USA, I can process the material, as long as the leaves remain healthy. On the other hand, I eventually hope to obtain plants and if it were possible to arrange shipment of live plants I would like to, if not now, then later.
For the second interest, I wanted to obtain species that produce sweet scent. I would be interested in obtaining any species with good scent, for which I would eventually like to obtain live plants.
I don't know what I could get my hands on or how many species I could handle for the long term, but I made a list of species to see what people might have going :
armeniense, lindenianum, formosum, hoffmannii, ravenii, roseospadix, kamemotoanum, scherzerianum, bakeri, folsomianum, fragantissimum, gracile, harleyii, jefense, amnicola, antioquiense, warocqueanum, garagaranum, watermaliense, trinerve, aripoense, pittieri, schlectendalii.
Thank you very much for your help!
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