Zach DuFran wrote:
The 2ndmeeting of the MidAmerica IAS chapter hasbeen scheduled for April 24 at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Thefull-day event will be hosted by Dr. Tom Croat, including scientifictalks, gardentours, a plant and cuttings swap and practical growing advice. Thetentative schedule has been posted to the website (www.aroid.org/midamerica),and isincluded here below. The only cost will be admission to the botanicalgardens, which is posted on their website (www.mobot.org).
Members and non-membersare invited to attend half or thefull day of events. This is an event you don’t want to miss. If you are within driving distance, or if you would like to fly in andspendsome time in St. Louis,we would love to have you join us.
As Dr. Croat is makingarrangements for space andrefreshments, we would appreciate RSVPs for those that would like toattend. Pleaseemail me, if you would like to attend or be kept updated about themeeting.
Zach DuFran
2nd MidAmericaChapter
InternationalAroid Society Meeting
MissouriBotanical Garden
April24, 2010
All plant enthusiasts areencouraged to attend – youdon’t have to be a member of the IAS! The only cost is admission tothe Missouri Botanical Gardens. Feel free to come for the first half,second half, or the full day of activities!
Opening Gathering:
8:30-9:30 AM. Coffee
9:30 AM A review ofSystematic work withAraceae in the New World . Thomas B.Croat, Missouri Botanical Garden
10:15 AM Coffee break
10:45 AM A preview ofthePhilodendron from some arid areas of Braziland a visit to the Burle Marx Collection in Brazil,Joep Moonen, Emerald Jungle Village, French Guiana.
11:15 AM MissouriBotanical GardensGrounds Tour. This tour will concentrate on some of the grounds nearthe Ridgway Center since atleast some of us willreturn there for lunch
12:15 PM Lunch break
Opening of Afternoonsession:
1:00 PM Anintroduction to aroidgenera, Thomas B. Croat, Missouri Botanical Garden
1:45 PM Cultivatingtropical plantsefficiently in a temperate environment, Steve Lucas, Siloam Springs , Arkansas.
2:15 PM CultivatingAroids outdoorsin a temperate area. Steve Marak, Springdale , Arkansas
2:30 PM Coffee breakand plant swapand give away
3:00 PM Tour of Missouri Botanical GardenAroid Collection
3:45 PM Tour of Researchcomplex at Lehmann Buildingherbarium. Thiswill include seeing the world’s largest collection of herbariumspecimens, demonstrations on the use of Lucid, a session at the CATEAraceaesite at Kew and an explanation ofCroat’s research efforts with revisionary and floristic studies.
4:30 PM Refreshments
5:00 PM Adjournment [Depart for dinner, for those that would like.]
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