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  Skunk Cabbage pictures
From: michael kolaczewski <mjkolaffhbc at sbcglobal.net> on 2009.03.15 at 17:15:22(19191)

Greetings to you all,

I would very much like to share with other forum

members, some photos I took here in Elgin, Il

the other day.



From: "plantguy at zoominternet.net" <plantguy at zoominternet.net> on 2009.03.17 at 19:54:24(19192)
I really like these as they are one of the few plants the deer will
completely leave alone and they have nice big leaves to fill in the
landscape. They grow perfectly well without being inundated with water as
well which is a plus.

Hopefully those of you who I sent some of these to last year are seeing
them come back up again this year and flowering now!!

Marek, I can send you a pic of this plant as well if you would like one for
your site.

From: michael kolaczewski <mjkolaffhbc at sbcglobal.net> on 2009.03.17 at 23:29:32(19194)
Dzien dobry!!

You may use the photos, and thank you

for including them on the website.

Michael Kolaczewski



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