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  Aroid-L Digest, Vol 54, Issue 30
From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.01.18 at 22:16:03(18929)
I would only suggest Cryptocorynes and Anubias as aqautic aroids for the aquarium. Pistia requires lots and lots of light. Spathyphyllum I am sure would eventually rot, although I keep one as a marginal plant in a frog terrarium. The other two genera I will let others chime in as I don't have any experience with those.

Good luck.
If you want to grow plants in aquariums but you don't know how to you can visit the Aquatic Plant Central, which is a nice forum on how to grow planted tanks, and has a great subforum on growing Cryptocorynes.

Message: 3



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