From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at> on 2008.10.12 at 16:36:27(18633)
I would like to ask how many of youpossess a specimen of the natural hybrid Philodendron "Marijke"?
If you attended the 2008 International Aroid Society Show and Sale inMiami you may be aware I managed to place the winning bid on the largespecimen of Philodendron "Marijke" donated by Loretta Enck in honor ofher late husband Jim Enck. I have wanted this plant in my collectionfor a long time due to my friendship with Joep Moonen who discoveredthe hybrid in French Guiana.
When I began to try to research Philodendron "Marijke" for a new webpage I was very surprise how little information had been published. With the help of Joep and others I am close to completing that page. If you have the beautiful hybrid you may find the information hereinteresting:
If you grow Philodendron "Marijke" please let me know. I would like toget a count of the known number of specimens in cultivation.
And if you didn't attend the 2008 IAS show and sale be sure and bethere September 19 and 20, 2009. Chances are great you'll find morethan a few rare treasures to bring home!
Steve Lucas