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HELP! I am looking to buy Amorphophallus Paeonifolius
From: exoticplant07 at yahoo.com (Ty York) on 2008.07.14 at 17:47:18(18145)
Hello anyone that has some paeonifolius to sell. I have looked for months for some and to no end cannot find a single bulb for sale. I know there has to be some out there or if anyone knows how I can get some please contact me.
Ty York email address : exoticplant07 at yahoo.com
or Ty York, P.o. box 406, Charlotte, Tn 37036
I would really appreciate any help, I also am looking for other amorphophallus and ariseama?bulbs too, I would like?to find blooming size ones if possible if not I will gladly take what I can get.
I am going to try to save money to go to the Int'l aroid convention in Miami this sept. 08 , may I can find some there, I wanted to grow some this summer.
Thanks to all and hope some one reads this. Ty
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From: ironious2 at yahoo.com (E.Vincent Morano) on 2008.07.16 at 06:37:34(18165)
What country are you in?
--- On Tue, 7/15/08, bonaventure at optonline.net wrote:
From: bonaventure at optonline.net
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Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] HELP! I am looking to buy Amorphophallus Paeonifolius Help Help!
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 8:31 AM
Try Indian/Asian food markets in the fall. You may find a bin of "Suran". Its how I got mine.
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