From: honeybunny442 at (Susan B) on 2008.06.03 at 14:04:29(17715)
Well, I have to open my big mouth and defend the listings of Amorphophallus as rare.
While Amorphophallus may be common to us Aroidphiles, they aren't common to the average home gardener. If they were, Plant Delights wouldn't be getting the prices they ask (no offence, Tony), and we wouldn't be getting the "how do I grow" and "what do I do with" questions that we get here on Aroid-L. Probably wouldn't have much of a IAS, either, if they were all common as weeds.
If you look at the Aroid forums on GardenWeb or Daves' Garden, you'll see lots of beginners- people new to aroids. I answer Zantedeschia questions all the time, although the planting of bulbs seems much easier to me than regular flowers or shrubs. However, I'm sure there's an argument that a plant being new to someone does not classify it as rare! I'm learning about Canna's, never grew them before, but they certainly aren't rare as a group, although some varieties may be...
People always seem to buy first and find information about the plant second. Those of you that help out on the forums know what I mean. Brian Williams and LariAnn are always answering questions. I often wonder why people buy expensive plants and then try to find out about them, or blame the seller when they kill the plant through miss-care. Often they don't even listen to advice but try to push growth through a dormant phase. Oh, just don't even get me started! Look at Erin, here- has bought many titanums and other Amorphs and then asks for growing advice- no offense Erin, at least you ask for help!
Back to the "RARE" Aroids, it's true- I've never seen a Amorph listed on AU-ebay that isn't rare- and they're usually bulbifer or konjac, or listed as riverii, which sounds new and different (snort). HOWEVER- when I'm in the mood for a new type of plant, I often do a search for "rare" in the plant section of ebay, and while a great deal of the selections are laughable, occasionally I do find something interesting that I want to learn more about.
So, it really doesn't bother me when an Aroid is labeled rare.
Then again, I'm just an opinionated old lady!
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--- On Mon, 6/2/08, Michael Pascall wrote:
From: Michael Pascall
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus henryi, koratensis, titanum's
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Date: Monday, June 2, 2008, 11:02 PM
#yiv1174700889 .hmmessage P
#yiv1174700889 .hmmessage
HA HA every Amorphophallus sp. listed on ebay is RARE !! even the weedy A.bulbifer ..
I saw someone recently pay way over $50 for a small tuber ,, shocking ..
I have been congratulated a few times for listing plants that are truely rare ..
Michael Pascall,
>> Now, i'm not really "up" on Newtonian physics, but isn't
> there some universal law which states that all Amorphs on
> eBay, regardless of labelling, are konjac?
> The best advice I can give -- which others will no doubt
> repeat -- is that you get yourself the reprint of Aroideana
> volume 19 (1996), the Amorphophallus issue.
> Jason Hernandez
> Naturalist-at-Large
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