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  Varigated ZZ`s and more.
From: ju-bo at msn.com (Julius Boos) on 2007.10.28 at 17:04:48(16620)
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:33:25 -0000
Subject: No subject


Dear Ken,

Thanks for the info:, from what I`ve heard, there is "something" going on
with this "varigated" kick, all sorts of plants are popping up in a
varigated form. A friend hinted to me that there is a process being used
to induce this varigation in MANY plants, just recently I heard of a couple
plants of varigated Philodendron goeldii for sale in Asia, and even in other
plant families way too many varigated cultivars are turning up for it just
to be by chance.
Does anyone have any info. on this??

The Best,


From: agavestar at covad.net (Michael Mahan) on 2007.10.29 at 06:31:07(16623)
Limited info so far .. as there is a lab that is using a chemical that
induces it (variegation ) while the tissue is being cultured but they seem
to be holding their cards tightly to the chest as a bunch of agaves are
showing up that way , that lab is in Northeast -New England .. BUT the
outcome is very variable right now & the clones seem to revert back , some
very fast under good culture & I'll find the link to it but there is one
lab is in the EU that is doing succulents much the same way & auctioning off
the mistakes as they are wildly colored .. any variegate collectors be way
cautious about new clones as the reversions back to green are wide spread
thru may species from what I am hearing thru rumors from other
dealers/collectors .. seems there are a few well known nurseries involved
but all this is rumor, So no flaming .. Michael Mahan

From: gcyao at mydestiny.net (George Yao) on 2007.10.29 at 11:22:00(16624)

I believe Thailand has a facility for irradiation that induces
variegation. I have also heard that tissue culture can induce
variegation, like, for example, some of the variegated bananas that
has been coming out.

George Yao

From: mmarcotr at email.smith.edu (Michael Marcotrigiano) on 2007.10.29 at 12:41:49(16625)
I have a young variegated ZZ bought on ebay. Just a warning. It came with two variegated young leaves. Since then the next three were green or yellow, not variegated. This plant may be so unstable I'd think twice before forking over big bucks for one.

I use to work in a mutagenesis lab and there are nasty chemicals like nitrosomethylurea that cause plastid mutations at high frequency when seed is soaked in the solution. It is also in the top 5 known carcinogens so I'd suggest anyone thinking of getting rich on new variegated plants by using such chemicals, plan on having an oncologist nearby.

From: agoston.janos123 at gmail.com (Jan Agoston) on 2007.10.29 at 12:53:57(16626)
I've heared, that there is a kind of chemical which can kill the
chloroplasts in the cells, so maybe they use this on tissu cultured plants
to get variegation.
Well that's just my idear, maybe not true...


From: criswick at spiceisle.com (criswick) on 2007.10.29 at 17:22:58(16628)
In Thailand nowadays it's becoming as though any plant you care to think of
is also available variegated. Plumerias, and a whole range of unlikely
ornamentals and even fruit trees can now be had with variegation.

John Criswick.

From: abri1973 at wp.pl (Marek Argent) on 2007.10.29 at 17:26:48(16629)

Sometimes it is a spontanical mutation, just like my Spathiphyllum (see appended photo). It's been living on a southern window for more than 2 years.


From: plantguy at zoominternet.net (Daniel Devor) on 2007.10.29 at 22:25:42(16630)
Of course, there are others, like FDA-approved antibiotics that are known to
cause things like read-through of premature stop codons that are actually
clinically useful that also cause plastid mutations so a careful literature
search might be good for those with a more scientific bent...and YES, these
antibiotics if used in too high a concentration cause total albinism in both
Arisaema and Amorphophallus seedlings....unpublished observations from my
own back-yard lab :o) I personally never cared enough to do the appropriate
concentration-response studies to see if I could select a variegated clone
(for me, this was a simple curiosity thing as we had the antibiotics in my
research laboratory anyway for totally different purposes) as I do not know
why in the world anyone would want one in the first place.....but that is
just me!


From: hermine at endangeredspecies.com (hermine) on 2007.10.30 at 02:26:19(16631)
Permission requested to post this to my Sansevierias list.
artificially induced variegates are selling at prices normally
reserved for CARS. Herm does not like this.


From: ju-bo at msn.com (Julius Boos) on 2007.10.31 at 10:09:07(16633)
From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:33:25 -0000
Subject: No subject

Dear Friends,

From: bogus@does.not.exist.com ()
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:33:25 -0000
Subject: No subject

labs/people are in fact using chemicals and other methods to 'create'
varigated "sports'' of plants, some of which soon revert back to an
all-green state, some seem able to "hold" the varigation.
Other varigations (and cultivars differenig from the original) seem to just
"turn up" in batches of plants created from the tissue culture processes,
and are chosen out of large batches as "cultivars' of a certain species.
I guess that we can only wait and see where this trend goes, and meanwhile
let the buyer beware!

Thanks to all,


From: abri1973 at wp.pl (Marek Argent) on 2007.11.01 at 06:36:55(16634)
Hllo to alll

I'm looking for a good photo of Zz variegated to put it it in my pagr
Thnx ib adv

From: epiphyte1 at earthlink.net (Adam Black) on 2007.11.02 at 05:55:53(16640)
I know that plants with certain viral infections can take on a
variegated appearance before the plant wastes away, but I seem to recall
mention somewhere of a controversial method of inoculating plants with a
particular virus that produces the variegated appearance yet supposedly
does not harm the plant. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

I can't stand most variegated plants - I prefer the normal colored ones!

Adam Black

From: mmarcotr at email.smith.edu (Michael Marcotrigiano) on 2007.11.02 at 20:30:10(16647)
the only virus I know that is graft transmissible and does not do that much harm (besides slowing it down a bit) is Abutilon mosaic virus which is in a few cultivars of variegated Abutilon. There are many aroid viruses that cause mottled yellowing that has no defined sectors and no pattern and are really not nice to have!

>>> Adam Black 11/2/2007 1:55 AM >>>
I know that plants with certain viral infections can take on a
variegated appearance before the plant wastes away, but I seem to recall
mention somewhere of a controversial method of inoculating plants with a
particular virus that produces the variegated appearance yet supposedly

From: plantguy at zoominternet.net (Daniel Devor) on 2007.11.02 at 21:19:34(16648)
Hi Bernhard,

I can tell you that many aminoglycosides can cause read-through of stop
codons. The ones that I was most familiar with back then were neomycin and
gentamicin....both insanely common in any science lab in the world. These
were not the ones I used I am pretty sure, but honestly, this was atleast 5
years ago so do not remember what aminoglycoside I used. I'm sure a 5
minute search of the scientific literature would turn it up. As I recall,
I came across this when reading more about the molecular biology of
premature stop codon read-through for CF therapy and thought, hey that could
be fun to fiddle with at home.

Perhaps we could all sit at home and make designer aroids for ourselves, but
I would worry that this schlock would end up on ebay along with some of the
rest of the garbage that can be found there.

Happy mutating everyone,


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