From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2007.10.16 at 19:26:19(16520)
This is an invitation to any of you who may be within driving distance of NW Arkansas (western Oklahoma, southern Missouri or anywhere else you feel like driving from) to join a few of us in this area in an attempt to establish a local aroid organization. It would be my hope to eventually have this become a chapter of the IAS. For the present, I offer my atrium as a place to meet once every quarter or perhaps six times a year to share our interest in aroids. There are two universites also close by and I believe we can arrange other meeting places if you get bored with my atrium.
As an inducement, I have plenty of plants I can share cuttings from and will gladly offer those to any IAS member (or non-IAS member for that matter) who is willing to join us. My only limitation is the amount of cutting any given plant will tolerate!
My personal email address is easily found at the bottom of the homepage of my website. If you'd like to be a part of organizing this group, please let me know so we can arrange a meeting that will be timely for all.
I was also provided the link below by one of our members which offers some good advice on methods of forming your own local group with aroid "nuts" in your area.
Just to let you know, in case you think there are not a lot of people interested in aroids, the interest is much higher than you may know. The maps attached were captured from my website tracking service yesterday. These represent hits looking for aroid information within approximately a one hour period. They were taken several hours apart. This year my little site will log approximately 350,000 hits, the majority of which are seeking info on aroids. Each person who logs on looks at an average of 3 pages, not including the homepage. Two of the three most frequently read pages are the articles written with the help of both Julius and Leland (and edited by Russ Hammer) on growing Anthurium and growing Philodendron. (if you read these and find errors, please let me know). My webmaster estimates approximately 100,000 people each year are now reading information on my site. And of those 100,000, over 11% come back frequently for additional information. Please note there is an invitation to join IAS on e
ach and every aroid page. I would encourage any of you who maintain a website to add a similar link to your sites.
The interest in aroids is now high. So form a group in your area and push IAS membership.
Steve Lucas