Central Florida
-----Original Message-----
From: John Ludwig
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 5:38 pm
Subject: [Aroid-l] gonatopus boivinii dormancy
Hello to all,
I have a dormancy question about this species.
I have just recently brought this indoors for the winter. This is my
first year growing this and have had it for about 4 months now. It
did not put on any new growth, but when I re-potted it in late August
it was just starting to produce a lot of new roots.
I had to re-pot almost everything I had because my soil was not
draining well at all.
The light level has dropped for this plant since I brought it inside
3 weeks ago. The leaves are turning a little yellow. No new growth
yet above soil level.
Does this Species have a distinct dormant period?
Or should I attribute the yellowing to possibly slight over watering
and not enough light since it was moved indoors?
Does this species require bone dry conditions during dormancy?
I thank everyone for any advice they can share.
John Ludwig
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