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  Helicodiceros muscivorus ??
From: Baumfarn Webmaster <webmaster at baumfarn.at> on 2007.02.25 at 16:01:20(15347)
I bought the eBay offer off Heli mu:
I thought to get another Heli-mu beside the one I already have.
But it doesn't look like my other.
It don't have the any pattern neither on the peduncle.
I ask the seller afterwards how it was grown and he told me in
polytunnel to keep the temperatures above 5 °C.

Which is also not necessary.

I doubt what I realy bought .... it's definitely look like an arum, but
.... Helicodicerus?

From: Geoffrey Kibby <fieldmycol at yahoo.co.uk> on 2007.02.25 at 18:25:11(15348)
Regarding your supposed Helicodiceros it could be I suppose but the
plant is still rather young and the leaves look immature. I have to
say that I agree with you however that I have strong doubts, I would
have thought that the pattern on the petiole would be showing by now.
A couple more weeks should reveal all when the next leaves emerge.


From: "D. Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2007.02.26 at 16:41:40(15365)

That is definitely not Helicodiceros or Dracunculus. Assuming that I has a
tuber, it might be an Arisaema or Arum. I doubt that it is an Arisarum.

Good luck!

From: "D. Christopher Rogers" <crogers at ecoanalysts.com> on 2007.02.26 at 16:43:27(15366)
I have first year offsets and seedlings coming up now. The leaves are much
more elongate and apically acute.

D. Christopher Rogers

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