Subject : [Aroid-l] Multiple dormancy questions
Dear John,
I will TRY to at least give you SOME advice, but this will depend on where
you live and how cold it gets.
See below---
I am very inexperienced when it comes to the needs of
various Aroids while they are dormant.
I have the following varieties and would like to know
about any special needs they may have while they are
1) Colocasia Heterochroma 'Dark Shadows'---I am not familiar with this
species, but basically the genus Colocasis 'come' in either a form that
produces a tuber before going dormant (like a Caladium does), and the
stoloniferous varieties/species which do not. If you live in a cold zone
where it remains cold/cool for a long period of time, with the corm/tuber
forming vars. remove the corm/tuber from the soil, wash it, dust w/ a
fungicide, and store in a paperbag in a cool/warm area. Here in Florida
the garage does just fine. The species/vars with stolons, I have heard,
can be stored in damp sphagnum kept cool, but I HOPE that someone with more
experience writes in, these do not go dormant in their 'natural' state.
Sauromatum (Typhonium) venosum---treat like a Caladium or Colocasia w/ a
corm, (above). Like other cormous genera, they should be ready for
planting out in late spring and will let you know when the corm begins to
produce a growing OR a flowering shoot.
Alocasia Sanderiana---see above, this one can be touchy!
Remusatia Vivapara---see above. Does this genus produce a corm??? I
can`t find my TGOA 'bible' in my home`s confusion, but I believe from memory
that it does.
Good Luck!
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