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  Syngonium rayii
From: "Harry Witmore" harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2006.10.30 at 23:35:50(14779)
I saw a reference
that listed Dr Croat as the person who described this species. If so, Dr Croat
could you tell us where you found it and what's it native habitat


From: "Tom Croat" Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2006.10.31 at 01:48:40(14780)
Dear Harry:

The species is from Costa Rica, occurring near La Selva near the
town of Puerto Viejo.
It is a native to Tropical wet forest life zone.


From: "Harry Witmore" harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2006.11.02 at 00:40:50(14784)
Tom, I would assume this species is a terrestrial and not
really epiphytic but I also assume it can be an opportunistic

Thanks so much for the information.


From: "Tom Croat" Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2006.11.02 at 18:02:36(14786)
Harry: I don't know of any Syngonium which is not a


From: "Harry Witmore" harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2006.11.03 at 01:06:29(14787)
Thanks Tom, I guess I should know this. I have found that
some of the Syngonium hybrids will do well living in nothing but water. I also
think many other vining aroids will do this.


From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2006.11.04 at 01:56:35(14788)
Harry, I found Syngonium rayii growing at the bottom of one of my ponds in the Greenhouse. It sends long runners out and somehow they got into the pond and formed a little mat of plants under the water. Unfortunately, ive never been able to get it to grow up a wall/totem.
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2006.11.06 at 13:39:55(14793)
Dear Harry and Tom,

Syngonium auritum (at least the clones I have seen) are much more
common growing and flowering at the ground than climbing in any support. Tom
may have seen thousands of them in the field and probably I am reporting an
unusual behavior in cultivation (or a strong tolerance for the absence of

From: "Tom Croat" Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2006.11.09 at 00:10:59(14794)
Dear Eduardo and Harry:

I must admit that I too have seen this mostly in cultivation where it does indeed crawl around on the ground and it does flower there. I just checked our wild collected specimens in the herbarium and though few in number all that had data said they were epiphytes. One was simply said to be a vine which would not rule it out as a vine on the ground.


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