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  stabilization of large pots/answer?
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.07.08 at 12:26:49(14394)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:59 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : [Aroid-l] stabilization of large pots

Hello Scott,

I have seen a method used in several nurseries around here in Florida a few
years ago, it consisted of MANY pots sitting within the confines of large,
square cement 'blocks', these blocks had no center, and were about 6-8
inches 'deep' and about 3" in wall thickness. The pots sat TIGHTLY within
the confines of the block, their bottoms flat of the underlying surface, and
the large, square undersurface of these concrete items (blocks?) provided
much needed stability and prevented any tipping over. I THINK that there
were larger pots and correspondingly larger blocks also involved, but my
memory is not clear on this. I don`t know for certain where the concrete
blocks were obtained, but I`d guess a search ot a concrete block supplier
might just provide answers.
The rebar-pounded-through-pots method I have found only works short-time, as
the soil within the pots is so loose that the rebar quickly works itself
loose within the pot, and so may disturb the roots and tubers, etc.
I hope the above helps!

Good Growing


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