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Amorphophallus container size
From: "Wayne Mrazek" wmrazek at argotech.net> on 2006.03.09 at 14:36:59(13926)
I am new to the list. I grew A species in the 80's for about 10 years, and
am now just returning to the culture of this genus. It is amazing what the
Internet has done to the availablilty of both info and plants over the last
few years! It used to be very difficult to find another grower, and that
was the only way to get new species other than konjac. Like others, I have
found that buying Amorphophallus on Ebay can become addicting.
I have seen several comments that Amorphophallus can be grown in small pots.
Although possible, I believe growth is much better when they are over
potted. I like to put a 4 inch corm in a 15-20 gallon pot if available.
Even then, some plants will form a new corm right on the bottom of the pot.
Do the experts on the list have an opinion about this? (I realize that a
large pot becomes a liability when the plant goes dormant)
Wayne Mrazek
| +More |
Yorba Linda, CA
----- Original Message -----
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus titanum seedling query
> Hi Paul,
> Another point aginst repotting is that these Amorphs are often shown to
> grow happyly in rediculous small pots and as they do so, it is probably
> only possible by regular and heavy fertilizing. >
> Good growing,
> Bernhard.
> _______________________________________________
> Aroid-l mailing list
> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
> http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Ken Mosher ken at spatulacity.com> on 2006.03.09 at 19:30:59(13929)
I think that the species that can put on a lot of size from season to
season benefit from overpotting, but I can't see any benefit to putting
a 4" corm in a 15-20 gallon container. That space will be wasted, and
since none of us are satisfied with only 3 or 4 plants space becomes an
issue quickly.
| +More |
Wayne Mrazek wrote:
I am new to the list. I grew A species in the 80's for about 10 years, and
am now just returning to the culture of this genus. It is amazing what the
Internet has done to the availablilty of both info and plants over the last
few years! It used to be very difficult to find another grower, and that
was the only way to get new species other than konjac. Like others, I have
found that buying Amorphophallus on Ebay can become addicting.
I have seen several comments that Amorphophallus can be grown in small pots.
Although possible, I believe growth is much better when they are over
potted. I like to put a 4 inch corm in a 15-20 gallon pot if available.
Even then, some plants will form a new corm right on the bottom of the pot.
Do the experts on the list have an opinion about this? (I realize that a
large pot becomes a liability when the plant goes dormant)
Wayne Mrazek
Yorba Linda, CA
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.03.11 at 15:51:21(13936)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Thursday, March 9, 2006 7:30 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus container size
Dear Wayne and Ken,
I am not an grower of these 'stinkys', but a few comments. That a species
forms its new tuber right at the bottom of the pot seems to say that this
species LIKES to be potted/grow deep, there are special pots (palm seedling
pots) for these. Concerning the size of pots used, THE best
Amorphophallus grower I ever met, Craig Allen ex: of Fairchild Gardens in
Miami, in his wonderful article on his experiences with both growing and
flowering his giant species of Amorphophallus' (published in a past
Aroideana), discovered by chance a formula---under-pot (yes, even A.
titanum!) if you want to obtain tuber/corm divisions/new corms, and over-pot
then fert. like hell to promote tuber size increase and the chance of
Good luck/growing!
| +More |
I think that the species that can put on a lot of size from season to season
benefit from overpotting, but I can't see any benefit to putting a 4" corm
in a 15-20 gallon container. That space will be wasted, and since none of us
are satisfied with only 3 or 4 plants space becomes an issue quickly.
Wayne Mrazek wrote:
I am new to the list. I grew A species in the 80's for about 10 years,
am now just returning to the culture of this genus. It is amazing what the
Internet has done to the availablilty of both info and plants over the last
few years! It used to be very difficult to find another grower, and that
was the only way to get new species other than konjac. Like others, I have
found that buying Amorphophallus on Ebay can become addicting.
I have seen several comments that Amorphophallus can be grown in small pots.
Although possible, I believe growth is much better when they are over
potted. I like to put a 4 inch corm in a 15-20 gallon pot if available.
Even then, some plants will form a new corm right on the bottom of the pot.
Do the experts on the list have an opinion about this? (I realize that a
large pot becomes a liability when the plant goes dormant)
Wayne Mrazek
Yorba Linda, CA
Aroid-l mailing list
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